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  1. H

    [BANNED] GuccI

    He was aimbotting/walling noob trying to hide it,regs who were on were whopper and Iron Brute who seen him in action,I speced him for 5 rounds to make sure (being kicked every other round sucked :errf: but o well) he left right when ice was about to ban him.
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    Scrim/pub help before the tournament ?

    Click on the link or go to the css form for more detail!
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    Scrim/pub help before the tournament

    Howdy, I figured I would start this post to see if anyone is interested in getting help with scrims since there’s going to be a tournament soon, and since it can be a daunting task for new/less experienced players to learn strats,maps,skills when the pressure is on, a slowed down environment can...
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    kts signed up but...

    that verify email isnt being sent to her can someone help please ?
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    [INVITED] Holy Application

    Game Handle(s):Holy,Holyshepard,Mr Smith for css and most other games now back in 1.5 it was car,titan car verestti SteamID:0:1:67555 Previous Clan/Community affiliations: AOD for fun,RU was a scrim clan for abit back in 1.5 was a ringer for cal-i different clans. Use to play css with SOF...
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    Seeing what others think about some of the mods

    This post is to test the waters to see what other members think, I understand that I am new to these parts so I am not looking to over step my place, just throwing ideas out there! If this has already been discussed or these mods have already been proven to be the best than feel free to tell me...
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    I’ve been playing in TD for about 3 months now but was having some troubles with the forms (thanks to halfbaked,larryb and thomastronics‎) I’m able to post now! I've been playing cs for about 10 years now was a ringer for cal I in the old 1.5 days when I use to run cs off of a pent 4 and old...