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  1. Tman

    What? A post from Tman? What fuck-nuttery be this?!

    Over a year has passed since I posted the OP here. Just wanted to thank you TD peeps for a fine place to hang, gib, and, well ... hang some more. I'm playing here more than all other server put together. Happy Holidays, amigos and amigas!
  2. Tman

    Living out loud and shit...

    Living out loud and shit...
  3. Tman

    What? A post from Tman? What fuck-nuttery be this?!

    haaay...! Thanks all - see youze in-game after I re-OS this stupid box. Again. Fark.
  4. Tman

    What? A post from Tman? What fuck-nuttery be this?!

    Hi all. I've been playing on TD for a really fucking long time, and I'm pretty sure that more that a few of you recognize me. Been around long enough to keenly remember Infamous Jeffeyboy's elaborate and colourful descriptions of his bowel movements. I've never though about brocolli the same...
  5. Tman

    Well shit.

    I just want to add that 44's hula-hoop girl made me forget wtf this thread was about ...