Search results

  1. Mastersage

    Stupidity in TF2

    What price cap are you expecting on keys anyways? To be honest, I don't see them EVER going down. Maybe 1-2 scrap, but not crashing.
  2. Mastersage

    Looking to buy a new computer HELP

    If you're going for pre-built your best bet is to find the best sale with the best specs, which is kind of hard. However, if you ask ANYONE in the Darkly Community about how to BUILD ONE they can do a step to step plan for you on how to build one and also get you a list of parts that is within...
  3. Mastersage

    DENIED Admin Application: DARKLY | Happy Sticks

    Someone give him the internet tenfold.
  4. Mastersage

    Workshop Items

    Cmp, amazing as usual! I can definitely see your image of what you're trying to do, but I don't think it will be too popular of a hat just cause there's already one similar out there. I'd definitely try a new hat that is completely unique! I don't have ideas, but if you do find one and model it...
  5. Mastersage

    New to the forums!

    Well, you better visit the forums more often! BUT WHY HAVEN'T CHANGED IT YET?! :why:
  6. Mastersage

    L4D3 - Real or Fake? I'll just leave this here....
  7. Mastersage

    Darkly Trading Server #6 (Tradeverse)

    I'm literally excited when it comes out. Like it has EVERYTHING of EVERYTHING you can think of (ie. Spy Crabbing Room , Sniper Room, Rocket Jumping Room, a FRICKEN SWIMMING POOL , etc.)! I'm so stoked for when it comes out like all I can do right now is just imagine and...:fap:
  8. Mastersage

    New to the forums!

    RYRK! My man! Welcome to the forums !
  9. Mastersage

    Motivation to NOT eat junk?

    True true. Actually, I try to avoid the junk food aisle all together when I go to the supermarket. Makes me tempted to buy if it's right there and all I have to do is just pick it up. But, thanks for the tip!
  10. Mastersage

    Motivation to NOT eat junk?

    Meh, isn't it basically like club soda? I've tried like Perrier and there's just a HORRIBLE after taste that I can't even handle.
  11. Mastersage

    Motivation to NOT eat junk?

    For the past 2 years, I've been working out at the gym for almost 4-5 times a week. I've seen significant change and, of course, weight gain in muscle mass. My diet consist of 5 small meals throughout the day to prevent any sort of urge to eat fatty/junk food. However, lately I've been getting...
  12. Mastersage

    Darkly Trading Server #6 (Tradeverse)

    I'm a moderator too (finally!), but I still get kicked. Wonder what's up with that.
  13. Mastersage

    Darkly Trading Server #6 (Tradeverse)

    That would be it. We have in the trade server #6, but there is like no one in it. Also, there is no way to accept the "conditions" because it kicks you out of the server if you don't accept it.
  14. Mastersage

    Darkly Trading Server #6 (Tradeverse)

    I was looking through the Darkly Servers, and I happen to look at #6 with the map Tradeverse. The server is completely empty,but I checked out the map and the map is AMAZING! I love it, but what's with the problem of being unable to "accept" the conditions and what not? Are you guys still...
  15. Mastersage

    Snorlax, I choose you!

    Glad you enjoyed it! Welcome to the Forums!
  16. Mastersage

    Recommend a Good Anime?

    Oh yeah! I forgot to put that I was actually watching Fairy Tail as well. Currently on like episode 60 or something. I'll definitely take a look on Getbackers when I have the time.
  17. Mastersage

    Recommend a Good Anime?

    Definitely watched that . It was pretty badass.
  18. Mastersage

    BANNED Scam Report (14 Crate 42's for 1 Refined)

    Scammer : Eagle | steamname: Eagle | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50338152 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: (At the moment Eagle paid for the crates, he immediately placed his profile as...
  19. Mastersage

    SCAMMER Alledged Spycrab Run

    Scammer : SoulSair | steamname: SoulSair | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49801345 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim : Just Another Piece of Shit | steamname: Just Another Piece of Shit |...
  20. Mastersage

    Humble Deep Silver Bundle

    Amazing! They released another bundle great games! Typically, I donate like $20. However, Dead Island Riptide! $30 donation here I come!