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  1. Leroy

    GTA 5 I'm rich bitch

    So me, kicking it online, scrounging for scraps, and it literally just started raining money bags. Literally, not figuratively. Just spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn. I went from being a poor black hood, trying to make it in the world (black lives matter) to owning nearly every property, a good...
  2. Leroy

    Have to leave for awhile

    So, TD has stripped me of my title as best troll evahr, as I got into a hit and run, broke some preggars lady arm, and took off from the scene. Oh wait, that wasn't me, that was mike jones.
  3. Leroy

    Yet Another KSP Thread

    hey team, I've cranked off over a thousand hours in this game. Prefer to play cockpit mode, like to share some screenshots with ya'll Nice shot cresting the atmosphere... Wee three of Jool's moons caught in one screengrab! Excellent decent onto Mun surface with nice screengrab...
  4. Leroy

    clash of clans

    blaargh, game so addicting, any of you guys play it?
  5. Leroy

    TD Family grows

    I think I'm the only one here who is of the right sexual orientation to produce offspring, but real talk. Boss negress is about to give birth to the next gen of TD sauce, in two months. quite honestly, scared as fuck. :dolan:
  6. Leroy

    Father abraham

    had man sons, and many sons had father abraham and I am one of them and so are you so lets still continue to worship a non-entity.
  7. Leroy

    Anecdotal memories from last meet

    Keep it short, point form. -Group whiskey shot, Pyroette pours her shot in mine, I say to her, no problem, I'll help you out, and she rips a strip off me. #confused.
  8. Leroy

    dualies hemogloblin

    hey team, so I finally did it, I unlocked a case with a 3 dollar key, that I bought with cold, hard, cash. I got a dualie skin. I feel like a sucker. I will trade said dualie skin for $6
  9. Leroy

    To Eve!

    Mission Profile: Orbit Kerbal (earth), fuel as necessary, enter Mid Eve Orbit Separate autonomous staged lander Land rover Exit Eve Orbit Enter Low Kerbal Orbit Land Mods Enhanced Terrain Pack Habitat (limited food, water, air, waste) Timer
  10. Leroy


    Hey anybody play this indie steam game called FTL? It's fucking addicting. For 10 bux, I've already dumped 15 hours of gameplay in it. It's hard to describe, effectively it is a top down space ship simulator, where you've got to manage your crew, navigate across the cosmos, upgrading your...
  11. Leroy


    Hey blades, 'member that time everyone forgot you were ever part of the community, on steves historical TD members list? hahaa because I do. that shit funny. Also, remember that time you busted up your whip smatching into LB's patio party? I do, that shit funny
  12. Leroy

    I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, fool

    I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, fool I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, fool I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, fool I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, fool I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, fool I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, fool
  13. Leroy

    Star Citizen

    Game bought, pledged $110, got the anvil. Created organization, Darkly Gaming Network, SID is DGN. It's only feelz.
  14. Leroy


    I just came (past tense of cum) in my own mouth. Discuss.
  15. Leroy


    I would just like to say, I love our community, I think it is well run and administrated, and appreciate all the combined effort from both the administrative eloi and the rest of you proles. no troll.
  16. Leroy

    TD : Mormon

    I'm sick and tired of the lack of Jesus on this chan board. I'm revolutionated this chan, and we are now mormon. I strongly suggest you reeearch mormonism so you can be a good mormonite. I'm in the process of rebranding the grey and black colour scheme (who picked that anyways)...
  17. Leroy

    Quick! Your mayor is asleep, post pics of you sleeping at work.

    This isn't me obviously, I'm black edit: why the frack can't I imbed this imgur pic?
  18. Leroy

    I thought you were all leaving?

    Why are you all still here? :meh:
  19. Leroy

    I'm leaving TD

    And going to start another game community called DT. DT will be the exact opposite of TD, you have to have a reverse name (yerol, evets), and you must only speak using racialist terms. Oh yeah, and WE pay YOU. Now accepting membership applications. :dealwithit:
  20. Leroy

    I'm the goddamn boss, and the only reason you are allowed to post here is because I say so

    This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors. I didn't think that was directed to me at all, and in fact, I agree with a large part of it. He essentially encapsulated what I was saying using different letters and words. The Best. Leroy, Yesterday at 11:34...