Not saying it's hard at all, which is why i pointed out it takes no more than 30 seconds. Several people = skd, LB, brades, SJ - these days. Maybe bring in more people to help organize?
I've made my attempt at conversation with him. Which isn't the case here. It's just a case of getting...
So brades has time to record and edit a 5 minute video for the front page, but can't make a 1-liner post with the title "Moving Private Servers to A2G" or "Updating Mumble Server - Temp. Down"?
It's not hard to do this considering they are rarely down, and asking them to make a quick post...
Just wondering since it was not posted anywhere to the public that I know of:
Can we get any maintenance, server switches, or updates for-warned somewhere on the forums or main page?
Just so players can plan ahead if wanting to scrim or pub.
This is brought as the private servers are down...
Hmmmm, when he says "this much" of farming level is what we played in the beta, kinda makes me rethink my decision. Nightmare mode sounds a lil intriguing. Fuck inferno.