Search results

  1. wh1te

    iPod Touch 5G Release Date?

    iPhone 4S* you mean? The 'G' is reference to network/internet speed and availability. I'd wait til the iPhone5 if I were you. Some goof in a different thread is scalping one, try an lower his asking price lol
  2. wh1te

    Unusual Hat?

    what's a hoddie?
  3. wh1te

    The Metal Thread

    Slugging along comes meshuggah lol New album Mar 26ish in NA.
  4. wh1te

    The Official "Your Ugly Mug" Thread

    u the girl? nice voice cover lol
  5. wh1te

    Hey Guys

    another Alex, geeeez. welcome
  6. wh1te

    The Metal Thread :clap::rockon::goth: Some big names Aug 11-12th weekend, I'm thinking about.
  7. wh1te

    Diablo 3 Release Date

    you should try reading the dictionary, a little less complicated
  8. wh1te

    Air Canada - Strike Mar 12 I think I'll take my stress leave soon :clap:
  9. wh1te

    Sick sad world - fatality

    why is this in the comic lounge
  10. wh1te

    Pros only, don't try this at home!

    reminds me of quake exploits lol
  11. wh1te

    Post a Picture of Where You Work

    pic from last summer
  12. wh1te

    CSGO Maps for CSS Download

    I laughed More than a skin, a nice overhaul.
  13. wh1te

    Sick sad world - fatality

    have you ever met 47
  14. wh1te

    Official Music Thread

    Quality is "crap" -semi nsfw
  15. wh1te

    Comedian Skits

    hahaha "smaller, tighter"
  16. wh1te


    I totally msgd u last night but applied the /ignore command ;)
  17. wh1te

    Add me

    beards are voodoo magic