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  1. Olst

    Website Homepage

    Hey guys, Am I the only one to have some weird drop menus? The menus goes down but I can't seem to be able to go down in these menus itself. I'm using chrome. would it be the problem?
  2. Olst

    Today was my first crossfit ever...

    I threw out... :'( I don't feel my arms and legs at all...
  3. Olst

    Surf Servers

    I Know I've already talked about this kind of mod on CS. But it's really fun and takes a lot of skills too. It gives another dimension to this game. Somehow, I still don't know how I did it, but I've been able to bring Ducky and LB (yesterday) to a surf server. It was fun to see them going. :P...
  4. Olst

    Anyone playing this poker game? I just re-started to play and I was wondering if anyone of you play! Unfortunately, no americans can play :( But it can be fun to play poker and chat while we drink some beers :)
  5. Olst

    Scrims 12/02/03 & 12/02/04

    Those scrims were awesome. I had a hell of a fun tonight! :D The teams weren't that fair at the beginning but the last scrim, we saw the closest one so far :) Damn, it was too funny........ Especially the -3 of Ducky :P hehe
  6. Olst

    Console Key

    I'm one of those guys that can't open console at all (and I mean it). Console check is checked and I still can't open it. I know there's a way to be able to open the console. A guy from my old clan got me the solution but I completely forgot it. Anyone knows how I could get it? PS. I'm...
  7. Olst

    Moving :D

    As maybe some of you knows (and doesn't care) I'm moving this weekend. Technically, this the day that all my things are in my new apartment and I won't have internet until Monday. It's gonna be nice! I'm not moving far from where I lived...
  8. Olst

    Happy New Year!

    I'm starting the party! Happy New Year! I wish you the best for 2012! :)
  9. Olst

    CS:S Map Lists

    Can we get the map lists of those servers? I always wondering what maps you have, especially for the scrims.
  10. Olst

    New Headset: Logitech G930

    Just bought a new headset, the sound is amazing and so is the microphone. You'll be able to hear me good now :D
  11. Olst

    Skyrim - Best Trick shot ever!
  12. Olst

    Pros only, don't try this at home! And take notice, that you can't do this anymore. Valve nerfed this exploit.
  13. Olst

    [INVITED] Olst's App -#2

    Game Handle(s): Olst SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14487081 Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Halflifed Real First Name: Maxime Age: 23 Location: Val-d'Or, Qc Favorite Games: CS:S, HoN, BF3 (X360), Skyrim, lot more Interests: Video games, my job, cars, party Why do you want to join Toronto...
  14. Olst

    Hotel in Toronto!

    Heya guys! Its been awhile, huh? I uninstalled CSS and now I got a rush to play ;) Anyway, back to topic; I'm going to the Coheed and Cambria show at the Kool Haus the April 27th in Toronto, and I wanted to know if there was any good hotel/motel close to it... The one I found out was the...
  15. Olst

    Top 10 Worst Boyfriend

    Honestly, don't drink anything while watching this vid... I think I scrapped my carpet...
  16. Olst

    Olst app

    Game Handle(s): Olst SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14487081 VAC Status: (Status can be found on your steam profile) Good term Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Halflifed Real Name: Maxime Age: 22 Location: Val-d'Or, Qc Profession: working in the Electricity domain Favorite Games: Heroes of...
  17. Olst

    Parking fail! :D Discuss! I would be fuckin mad after what HE did ;)
  18. Olst


  19. Olst

    Time to get to the Higher Level with IF! =) Yay! =)
  20. Olst
