Search results

  1. jakksilves

    [BANNED] Ban Request I'm a PC STEAM_0:1:27303795

    Got these two from a friend, he told me I could find more in the Chat Log on the Stats. Guy's a douche, asking for free stuff in mic and chat, flooding it when people don't see it.
  2. jakksilves

    CLOSED Weapon Trader

    I'm trading primarily all unique weapons in my backpack. Vintage Hats (List generated at --- Multiple --- Vintage Pyrovision Goggles Normal Hats --- Scout --- Backwards Ballcap Bonk Helm Hermes --- Soldier --- Full Metal Drill Hat Killer's Kabuto --- Pyro --- Attendant Electric...
  3. jakksilves

    [APPROVED] Jakk Silves [Application for DARKLY & TF2]

    TD APP Game Handle(s): Jakk SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44479885 Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None Real First Name: Jakk Age: 20 Location: Victoria, BC. Favorite Games: Team Fortress Classic, Team Fortress 2, Vilous, Delta Force. Interests: I don't really have 'big interests'...
  4. jakksilves

    [BANNED] Ban Request [CoG] Old Man Jenkins STEAM_0:0:45581204

    Lets face it, he's a troll. Racist, annoying, unjustified hate of Canadians and foreigners. Do you really want this kid in the network? Insulting other players because of their names, other players started to join in on the flames. While this is the internet, do you want to be judged based on...
  5. jakksilves

    [BANNED] Ban Request DickFace STEAM_0:0:38188227

    I do believe this guy can no longer connect to the DGN. Asking for Free Items, threatening with Spam/Flood of Chat. There's the demo that can be added, if you so wish.
  6. jakksilves

    [BANNED] Ban Request madfcukinonions STEAM_0:1:36514737

    Disrespect, microphone spam, insulting and annoying other players, causing some to leave the server *And DGN's servers* In the order i posted it, that's the order the demos were...
  7. jakksilves

    [BANNED] Ban Request (ASSBOT)RAAAGE-3 STEAM_0:0:48668515

    Microphone Spamming, and possible Troll Recruiting. See demos attached.
  8. jakksilves

    Forum Feedback

    Besides me already having a prejudice thought on the registration's pain in the ass process, wanted to ask why Signatures are limited to only uploading. I was planning to use these, but I still can't. Another thing I wanted to bring up, I don't see an option for 'Screen Name', if there is...
  9. jakksilves


    Hello DARKLY GN. Been trying to register on the forums for some could say I'm rather excited to finally be here. A few things about me...should say I'm not one that really likes to chatter too much. I'm from Victoria, in British Columbia of Canada. Seeing as there are a few people...