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  1. L

    desktop dungeons cool free game, creates a little quick dungeon for you to try and get through, it creates a random dungeon every time and it is posible to create one that is imposible to get through but it is pretty fun for a time waster if your board
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    got a little less gay

    just canceled my wow sub bored and such. anyway i just bought basicly wondering if anyone else is gonna try it out? looks good but il play the first month before i commit to it
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    another nexon game

    im playing Vindictus atm kinda a over the top super jap action rpg type game, wondering if anyone else plays or is interested in playing?
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    i just picked it up on steam wondering who else from TD has it?
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    im looking at getting a 27" or 30" led monitor for myself but i dont realy know anything about led monitors, wondering if they are worth it and what a good price is. saw
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    just a warning i fixed my mic so everyone whos got me turned up to +1000% might wanna turn it down a tad,
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    donno if anybody plays it but thats not importent. basicly when you load a world it generates it randomly. since it generates a "flat" worls i wanted to reach the edge of it so i started walking while watching TV. after 4 episodes of criminal minds i got board and googled to see if it...
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    ok my esc key donst work in any games but when i open a program to record keystrokes to see if its working it records the keystroke properly. ive tryed restarting and updateing my drivers but its still not working in games. anyone have any idea what could cause this? edit. also when i remaped...
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    cool tourney this weekend at blizcon

    45000 prize Matches begin at 1:30 p.m. PDT on Friday heres the lineup “Loner” “Luffy” “mTwDeMusliM” “TLAF-Liquid`TLO” “NEXGenius” “MakaPrime” “Fenix” “Capoch” “HuK” “SeleCT” “mTwDIMAGA” “White-Ra” “ice” “RedArchon” “SEN” Yang “SoftBall”
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    my blog

    hey guys dont know if any of you care but im starting a blog, its going to be mostly photo/video blog with as little writeing as i can get away with. Im doing it to document my journey through my University Fine arts program as well as my life during that time, seeing as gamings a big part of...
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    well i got a new laptop for university and im wondering if theres a way to export my bookmarks from my desktop and save them to my laptop? im useing google chrome on win7(64bit) Thanks
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    ive noticed a few of you guys picked it up on sale my gamespy ID is LT_Clash add as friend we should play sometime
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    guildwars 2 the first one was kinda lame but ive been watching the gameplay demos from GC this week and it actuly looks realy cool
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    40 hours for minerals

    ragequite tv is doing a 40hour sc2 casting marathon for childsplay you can donate here chaildsplay gives money to hospitols for game consols for sick kids
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    mutas against thors magic box im the only 100% zerg player here but this should help you T faggots as well
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    Fan Expo

    im planning to come up to Toronto for that weekend for the meet but i want to go to fan expo on the saturday, im just wondering if anyone from TD is going and would be interested in meeting up for the day or at least part of it?
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    Clash(z) vs Roach(p) enjoy the replays
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    replay site

    alot of realy good high level replays are avalible here
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    midnight launch

    me and iseize are goin to get this bitch at midnight wondering whoelse will be playin tonight
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    King of the beta

    its a starcraft 2 tournament going on now. 8 players in total 4 games played yesterday and tonight and will continue on all week last few games will be played will play live on monday night $2000 1st prize $1000 second also if anyone wants to watch them live they are at 9EST at...