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  1. sgtducky

    I may have a drinking problem

  2. sgtducky

    *POST YOUR TEAMS* Scrim Tourney

    LOL kush u playing i kinda ask ya but u didnt answer...
  3. sgtducky

    Stock/CAL/CEVO CS:S Pub

    olst shush....
  4. sgtducky

    *POST YOUR TEAMS* Scrim Tourney

    dunno what about .44 bitches LOL
  5. sgtducky

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    kush abdul salvadore why dont we do a team we just miss one player ?
  6. sgtducky


    hey we scrim this week nice to see you around :)
  7. sgtducky

    *New* Scrim tourney rules

    dust 2 season nuke
  8. sgtducky

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    im in too i want to play if anyone wants me... keyzer if you still looking im interested...
  9. sgtducky

    The Linux Thread

    i love linux its so bad they are not that quite good for gaming yet... i personnally have ubuntu box, centos slackware opensuse and debian and 1 virtualbox with mint i prefer ubuntu easy to use and i suggest if you start using that one
  10. sgtducky

    SCRIM!!! 01/11/2012

    im in guys
  11. sgtducky

    Stock/CAL/CEVO CS:S Pub

    i really like this new server and i get a better latency response on it :D
  12. sgtducky

    Happy 12th Bday!

    happy bday
  13. sgtducky

    TD Shirt Orders

    me tooo lol
  14. sgtducky

    Scrim 01/04/12

    at 8pm tonight also ???
  15. sgtducky

    Scrim 01/04/12

    i agree with lacrimosa we should play couple map on scrim night!!! which we usually do i think... just this wednesday we play only nuke...
  16. sgtducky


    halfbakedchef how you lire your WD Velociraptor 10000 rpm 300 gb ?
  17. sgtducky

    Scrim 01/04/12

    so like why dont we try to scrim more then once a week ? like i would be game to scrim more then once a week!!!
  18. sgtducky

    Scrim 01/04/12

    pfff what about east.... im east +1 hour :P
  19. sgtducky


    facebook so full of shit i went to an HTCIA event and you wouldn even friggin imagine stuff that send out clear text those f$#@$#@ facebook apps are really nasty!!!!! dont touch!!!! it will only send info to "merchand" since your are the product of facebook someone has to pay and they pay for...
  20. sgtducky

    PC SPECS there is a shit load on special :)