Search results

  1. sgtducky

    [INVITED] tinyClark Application For TD

    +1 great guy fun to play with
  2. sgtducky

    Leroy's Pride vs hosers!

    do it guys i really cant be here before 9 tomorrow so go ahead... have fun
  3. sgtducky

    Leroy's Pride vs hosers!

    i cant saturday in day at all only after 9pm can we play them late tonight ?
  4. sgtducky

    Sgt. DuCkY's infamous scrim run

  5. sgtducky

    Hawken Beta

    i use leroy link here is mine
  6. sgtducky

    [ON HOLD] Fuse Application

    hes an ass posting some bad stuff about me ;) LOL +1 hes cool played with him couple time fun to have in a team!!!
  7. sgtducky

    Leroy's Pride

    well we just need to figure it out i guess and need to make sure we have players to play else .44 will "force a player to us" which i can understand because he need make sure team is playing
  8. sgtducky

    Sgt. DuCkY's infamous scrim run

    TD| Sgt. DuCkY changed name to TD| Sgt. DuCkY (Tha Team Killah) LOL
  9. sgtducky

    Leroy's Pride

    im good friday after 7pm saturday not before.... 10pm and sunday pretty much all day
  10. sgtducky

    *POST YOUR TEAMS* Scrim Tourney

    lol so whats up..
  11. sgtducky

    Sgt. DuCkY's infamous scrim run

    bahahha just some great momments :D
  12. sgtducky

    *POST YOUR TEAMS* Scrim Tourney

    yeah kinda sad... ah well
  13. sgtducky

    Leroy's Pride

    keyzer did you had some guys that wanted to play ??? get merk.. awyeah Kush ??? you guys interested ? check with keyzer..
  14. sgtducky

    ON HOLD [TD|] Member Application: KUSH $

    +1 for kush hes a great player!!! great guy
  15. sgtducky


    in-game name: TD | SGT. DuCkY steam id : 0:0:2710733 how long have you been playing on darkly server: hmm... its been like almost 2 years reason why you should be selected:i ve been on cs for long enought to know whos hacking or what i love to play fair game i dont like bs around it . im new at...
  16. sgtducky

    I may have a drinking problem

  17. sgtducky

    *POST YOUR TEAMS* Scrim Tourney

    im kind of thinking the same way... but hey not everyone thinks the same
  18. sgtducky


  19. sgtducky


    what kinda keys ?