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  1. DrUgZ

    Low Budget

    I dont need a fucking documentary to tell me that weed is awesome, but I might get stoned later and put it on for shits and giggles. seriously tho, weed may have it's uses and benefits, but smoking it isn't the healthiest way to ingest it. If you really wanted to reap all of the benefits...
  2. DrUgZ

    :( !!

    oh fucking noes! that really sucks :(
  3. DrUgZ


    somehow it's just not the same if someone "gives" it for free.
  4. DrUgZ

    new Mech FPS: Hawken

    Looks like I can dust off my WINGMAN EXTREME! too bad I dont have a fucking game port anymore.
  5. DrUgZ


    You could probably farm them In a few hours On a deathmatch server
  6. DrUgZ

    CRTC Petition

  7. DrUgZ

    Happy birthday to who~ happy birthday to who~ happy birthday to who~

    narf fails at pointing out someones birthday. what a fag! heppy bday mandy glad to hear you got your drunk on.
  8. DrUgZ

    T-shirt tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime (in Bobby's pants)

    OK iCe so we all pitched in and got you something we all know you really love, YOU BANNED SON! Now you can go spend your bday with Jeffy and the other TD rejects! ENJOY!
  9. DrUgZ


    Subscribe to this guy's youtube page: This is the tutorial to jailbreak your phone, but I am not sure if there is an unlock for it available yet, Ill look around a bit on some sites i use but it looks like just jailbreak so far on that firmware...
  10. DrUgZ

    happy birthday dick-tater

    we're sorry, the quota for march birthdays has been filled. please try again next month. thank you.
  11. DrUgZ

    My recount of a funny DrUgZ story (kinda)...

    Thanks guys! Narf also forgot to mention that we havent spoken since he found out i wasnt asian. Get in CS so i can carve out that racist little heart of yours!
  12. DrUgZ

    MAP FEEDBACK - de_cevo_diesel

    +1 really like this one. cons: needs more cowbell.
  13. DrUgZ

    Post Your Desktop (no cleaning)

    Here's my desktop's desktop. my server has like 2 icons on it. CLICK
  14. DrUgZ

    29 month old drummer...

    FAKE! he was actually born with no arms, he wasn't bad on the bass drum tho i must admit.
  15. DrUgZ

    Dual Display help

    nah i dumped Xfire for a 6970. bitches got too hot.
  16. DrUgZ

    Hottie Bodies Humpilates - Jimmy Kimmel

    how is that nsfw? those sort of clips are encouraged where I work.
  17. DrUgZ

    Dual Display help

    it may look the same but it is definitely not. the performance is quite different as is the overall feel. I tried this solution long ago when i got my second screen but I just couldn't handle it. so I made my plasma my second screen and hooked my 2nd monitor up to my server where i can do...
  18. DrUgZ

    Next TD meet?

    holy sweet flyin fuck! Mike, Bring y'ass!
  19. DrUgZ

    HL2 Ep 2 for 2 dolla

    ep3 is a faggot. I'm ready for HL3 NAOW!!