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  1. DrUgZ


    I once shit my pants just because i had forgotten how it felt.
  2. DrUgZ

    The real reason why Leroy plays rugby

    HAHAHAHA good find! too bad Liroy is no more. I will check if there are any Alberta based gay leagues and maybe we can track him down.
  3. DrUgZ

    Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360 movie playback

    PS3 media server is fine if you dont play mkv's if you do, you have to encode them into an mpeg which is totally retarded.
  4. DrUgZ

    HAPPY BDAY to...

    I will sacrifice many joints in your honor. Have a good one!
  5. DrUgZ

    Hey all

    Glad you found us dude! I'll be sure to look out for you on the server
  6. DrUgZ


    If you want to feel the texture of my package just make sure you don't have cold hands
  7. DrUgZ

    New choice of the fags of America

    fuck i need a smoke, wheres my ciggritts?
  8. DrUgZ

    Death building new pc

    yes death stay away from tigers deals, you will regret getting them. i5 is a good processor for you but I am in agreement with some of the others here. don't waste your hard earned $ buying shit that isn't on sale. so many different components go for cheap from so many different sites every week...
  9. DrUgZ

    Game of Thrones

    downloading this and Spartacus (for Xena tits) right now both seem to have potential.
  10. DrUgZ


    I have repeatedly offered up my 25 man typefrag vent server up for you fags to use that is sitting there stagnant and paid for up to December. AIDS
  11. DrUgZ

    Death building new pc

    about time old man! I'd go on ncix, newegg, directcanada, and canadacomputers' sites and look for shit on sale. Bundle deals specifically. Just be sure to read the comments because even though some stuff is sold as a bundle, there can still be compatibility issues. one thing i never skimp out on...
  12. DrUgZ

    M class licence

    They used to do it @ St Clair college, dunno if they still do or not.
  13. DrUgZ

    M class licence

    Brandon I don't think you'll get past the written portion, GO BACK TO SCHOOL!
  14. DrUgZ

    Paintball Gun - Piranha G3

    go pump or go home. i <3 my sterling. auto's just take the fun out of it, although it is much more gratifying domeing someone who can shoot 500 times more balls than you can.
  15. DrUgZ

    New to the forums NOT to the server

    well now that you have joined the forums i regret to inform you that you have now contracted AIDS.
  16. DrUgZ


    hence his avatar (SD = Suckin Dicks if you didn't notice)
  17. DrUgZ


    Dropped out to personal reasons of you not giving him a reacharound maybe... anyhow, welcome to the partayy.
  18. DrUgZ

    paintball in wasaga this summer - any takers?

    I play, but I live in Windsor. If enough fags wanted to go out I'd be down for a weekend baller party this summer sometime.
  19. DrUgZ

    47: need new kick ass headphones

    Logitech G35 are an awesome gaming headset. they have deep bass and crystal clear sound. I use them with both the built in and a separate mic and just swap in sound manager when I need to.