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  1. DrUgZ

    Hey all!

  2. DrUgZ

    What's up?

  3. DrUgZ

    Hack the Nintendo Wii

    I installed a Wii Key on iSieze's brand new Wii a week after he bought it. fuckin SKETCHY installing that thing. First pull it all apart and disassemble the disc drive, then I had to solder #32 AWG wire onto pads smaller than the smallest tip of my iron. do not recommend!!!!
  4. DrUgZ

    Doing my first build, Want someone to double check parts

    PM me your address. I can't stand to see someone give Microsoft $100, i'll mail you a burned copy.
  5. DrUgZ

    Video card died

    lol liroy, 1000 bucks on video cards! you so crazy. I thought about it but i ended up going with 2 6970's for my wallet's sake.
  6. DrUgZ

    Video card died

    I have 4 ATI xfx cards
  7. DrUgZ

    Epic Picture Thread

    OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Jokes!!! I get jokes!!!
  8. DrUgZ

    Video card died

    well either way, next time go XFX. Double Lifetime warranty and they dont care if you mod/overclock/watercool the card.
  9. DrUgZ

    Doing my first build, Want someone to double check parts

    if I were you, I would order EVERYTHING from NCIX, and pricematch everything from the other sites, that way, you only pay shipping once, and you get everything at once. I use to find the best prices for a price match.
  10. DrUgZ

    Video card died

    can't blame ATI broski. they just make the chipset, not the card.
  11. DrUgZ

    DARKLY TF2 Reserved Slots

  12. DrUgZ

    Upcoming Movies Thread

  13. DrUgZ

    Is it worth it

    a lot of our members were pretty heavy into SC2 a while back, some still are. I will say that you have to dedicate a lot of time to losing before you will get any good, especially being new to the game. If you do plan on getting into this series I suggest getting familiar with the game now...
  14. DrUgZ

    LAN-Party Optimized House

    lol See you at the next TD meet Sal! looks like we found 47's replacement roofie victim!
  15. DrUgZ

    Skyrim - Best Trick shot ever!

  16. DrUgZ

    [UNBANNED] Ban Appeal

    I was asked to ban you by another member. your ban will be discussed and the results will be posted here. hang tight.
  17. DrUgZ

    Seagate Sucks

    they still have a ways to go for sure. I think i paid $69 for my 2TB greens when i was building my array.
  18. DrUgZ

    [ABANDONED] Awyeah - Application

    lmao i was gonna say...
  19. DrUgZ

    Howdy from 68cal

    Right on bro! glad to see you're off getting your shit together, stick to it! Hope to see you on your break!
  20. DrUgZ

    Seagate Sucks

    that's crazy cause I still have 2 Maxtor drives running on my fileserver. those fuckers are old as hell. (maxtor = seagate) although if you bought one within the last 2 years chances are it has a 5 year warranty on it if its seagate. also, did you try changing the SATA port? or another machine?