They approached the intro of season 2 quite differently than the book, but I think they did that for people who haven't read the series. I liked the book's way of telling the story much more, but you can't compress a 1000+ page book into 13 episodes without putting a lot of the content on the...
Fleshlight's been his sonsor since he started brah. now he's got some other sponsor, some supplement. other than that dude's legit. im sure he doesn't do this shit for fun.
he's been in the game for like 20 years now, I think he's entitled to make some coin off of this.
I saw this guy's...
right bucky, like I already said above, you need to make sure the voltage is correct for your memory. if it doesn't say on the stick, check the manufacturer's site. you need to have the proper voltage to keep your system stable.
memtest you just burn to a disc and boot from it. if you want try downloading hiren's boot CD. its free and it has memtest plus a shit load of other quality apps on it. but you should just be able to get an image for memtest for a blank cd, then boot off of it.