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  1. Arc

    too much gaming?

    I've been playing way too much SWTOR lately... I think the most I had in wow was around 10 hours. Not doing that again!
  2. Arc


    Welcome!!! Glad you got the forums working.
  3. Arc

    Scrim 01/04/12

    We were hoping you wouldn't figure it out?
  4. Arc

    Scrim 01/04/12

    Woohoo, i'm hoping to be there!
  5. Arc

    Happy New Year!

    I have recovered enough from all the alcohol to wish everyone a Happy New Year. My liver will withhold its comment on the New Year for a couple days!
  6. Arc

    Skyrim - Best Trick shot ever!

    One less adventurer!
  7. Arc

    Dubstep Thread

    Is there anywhere to find a collection of dubstep music for someone just beginning to listen to it?
  8. Arc

    Damage and hit mod for CS...?

    Console doesn't have where you hit them...
  9. Arc

    Damage and hit mod for CS...?

    Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone else would be interested in having a mod on the Counter Strike servers that showed where you hit as well as damage. I don't know if adding a mod would slow down the server or anything. I find it's always nice to know where I hit to help with aim. I've...
  10. Arc

    [INVITED] Arc - Application

    Game Handle(s): Arc SteamID: STEAM_0:0:381033 Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Watering Hole Real First Name: Ryan Age: 28 Location: Lincoln, Neb. Favorite Games: CS:S, Skyrim, Mass Effect Interests: Sports, MtG, video games Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly? Been enjoying the...
  11. Arc

    Video card died

    Hey I just burnt out my video card too... However it was 5 years old. It's amazing how much better things look with a somewhat up to date video card!
  12. Arc

    Scrim Tourney?

    +1 Sounds like a great idea. I'm totally in for this action!
  13. Arc

    December 14th Scrim

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who stayed around until we finally got the scrim going last night. It's great to get back to scrimming and I had a blast last night. Also props to .44 for leading us to freedom!
  14. Arc

    Illegal Wrestling Move HYPNOSIS RARE MUST SEE!!!

    Must start watching wrestling again... Must
  15. Arc

    Favorite Drink?

    Wine - Barolo Mixed - Crown and Coke Scotch is good anytime!
  16. Arc

    Greetings all!

    Hey everyone! I've been back playing CS:S for a month or so now and TD was one of the first servers I found and gotta say it's a great place to game. Played CS a lot while I was in college and then took a 5 or 6 year break and I'm back at it again. Glad to be part of the community and I'm...