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  1. Mac_OS-X

    DSG Nominees 2017

    Ayyy civ won! That was my second vote
  2. Mac_OS-X

    DSG Nominees 2017

    I say myself
  3. Mac_OS-X

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    thats seems better, I was afraid of making him too fast, so I just went with heavy so it would be a fair fight.
  4. Mac_OS-X

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    I have a two ideas for some freak models, as well as stats for said freaks in the game mode. 1: Bob: would be a smaller player controlled version of the disciplinary bread we all know and love. His speed would be the equivalent of a heavy, and his special ability would scare all players in a...
  5. Mac_OS-X

    DENIED Mac_OS-X Admin Application

    Wow, thank you two for the nice compliments! I don't mind the jokes or roasts, as long as they don't go into touchy territories. I will definitely not kill this discord like the other one, and I will let the admins do their thing unless they ask for help or just need a general opinion. But Im...
  6. Mac_OS-X

    DGN TF2 Discord

    love you too m8
  7. Mac_OS-X

    Mac_OS-X, received the "most likely to say sorry at any given time" award.

    Mac_OS-X, received the "most likely to say sorry at any given time" award.
  8. Mac_OS-X

    How is everyone??

    How is everyone??
  9. Mac_OS-X

    DENIED Mac_OS-X Admin Application

    Wow, It's Like a ghost town in here....
  10. Mac_OS-X

    Pacman bread trail

    Hello everyone, recent tick tock got new trails and one of them looks like pac-man dots, so I took it onto myself and made a small, non hostile, bread monster that follows you. It's not perfect but it gets the job done.
  11. Mac_OS-X

    DARKLY Starbound Server

    I would play that stuff every other day of my life Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday= TF2....Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday= Starbound
  12. Mac_OS-X

    DARKLY Starbound Server

    Hello Everyone! I got a really cool idea for those who play the game "Starbound". It is basically terraria, but in space. So I think we should have a DARKLY Starbound server for those who play. This would add more diversity to the darkly network. I am not good at argumentative essays, and...
  13. Mac_OS-X

    DENIED Mac_OS-X Admin Application

    Game Handle(s): Mac or OS are preferable SteamID: STEAM_0:0:116673163 Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Nuclear Throne Real First Name: Mac Current Age: 17 Location: I currently live In Arizona, I used to live in Canada, but I don't know how to change it to say Arizona. Which DARKLY TF2...
  14. Mac_OS-X

    Hey I'm new here

    Hello everyone I'm new here. I play many games such as TF2, Nuclear Throne, And more. I'll try to be as much help as possible when it comes to something that's within my grasp of control. If you need some help, just ask and Ill see what I can do