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  1. iSeize

    Official Video Thread

  2. iSeize

    Where did/do you go to school?

    St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology. Taking Advertising then thinking of Moving on to Web Design after i finish this. im still in my 1st of 3 years. i live just outside windsor so i can drive i dont live in res or anything
  3. iSeize


  4. iSeize


  5. iSeize

    What got you into CS:S?

    After playing half life, part of me didnt want it to end. so CS came next. the day the CS:S trailer came out had us freaking out. followed by the beta...ohh god i remember the beta. amazing.
  6. iSeize

    Trying a new logo

    very nice auron. actually the logo i just started working on looked an awful lot like your third. Two guns facing the same direction to form a T. i always knew the D would look like that with the grenade and honestly i think its the best we got going. the only problem is they dont look ENOUGH...
  7. iSeize

    Trying a new logo

    anyone have a link to the pic 47 is talking about
  8. iSeize

    Trying a new logo

    ok next up is
  9. iSeize

    Trying a new logo

    Man the D sucks! its the best i could do tho sadly.
  10. iSeize

    Students of TD!!

    cuz its my money and i need it NOW!!! going to St Clair (in windsor) for Advertising, then when i finish that ill go for another course in Web design. hope thats a good combo to find work
  11. iSeize

    Trying a new logo

    Heard some guys discussing the need for a new logo a few nights ago, thought i would contribute my idea. if there are any others with ideas, and are decent with photoshit, give it a try. post them. My First and only idea so far. The D is made of a Deagle and an AK clip if you cant tell.
  12. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

    think ShotgunJesus would like this one?