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  1. iSeize

    laser magician

    i think the clothes hanger has legs that let it stand up, they drop on command and they probably fold upon command he goofs up at 2:03 his thumb is actually glowing and 2:41 ish. you see lasers in both hands.
  2. iSeize

    Michael Jackson

    Its not fair! he was such a good basketball player! why does god always take the talented ones!!!!
  3. iSeize

    HELP ME!

  4. iSeize

    vid: nice KO

  5. iSeize

    Collections Whos collecting what?

    i collected swords when i was in high school...then i realized its more creepy then badass. i still have em and like em, but i dont think ill be buying anymore. MAybe i should get into knives or something. a bit less insane?
  6. iSeize

    Garbage Strike!

    the same things been going on in windsor for the past TWO MONTHS. people are clearing out parking lots and designating them as Temporary Landfills. EVERY city worker is on strike and its not going well for us down here.
  7. iSeize

    What 47 did growing up

    can you still be eligible for a darwin award if you eliminate your decendants from the genepool without killing yourself?
  8. iSeize

    PROTIP: WoW is for Dummies!

  9. iSeize

    PROTIP: WoW is for Dummies!

    the ferocity of this kid (seemingly posessed by a Gay Raptor) simply amazes me.
  10. iSeize

    Official Video Thread

    PROTIP: Dont play wow.
  11. iSeize

    DEADLINE post-it stop motion

    man thats insane. how the hell does someone plan this without failing all thier other classes
  12. iSeize

    It's only a matter of time.....

    better get there soon SJ, its only a temporary display for a museum last i heard.
  13. iSeize

    vid: drunken animals

    i remember seeing the same doc in English. what happens is the fruit is only good for a few weeks then rots and ferments, falls to the ground, then the animals eat it because it smells sweet and get drunk off it.
  14. iSeize

    Epic/Funny Quotes from DARKLY

    "THIS MAP SUCKS THERES NO PLACE TO CAMP!!!" -some noob talking about egon.
  15. iSeize

    Riddle me this.

    i remember this one something about checking the temperatures of the bulbs. Turn one on, then off. leave the other one on, and one off. warm one is 1, etc.
  16. iSeize

    [poll] Simple Question

    i can answer...i really dont know. im totally on the fence
  17. iSeize


    i am scared of long pauses and screaming. ......... AUGH!! AUGH!!!!!!
  18. iSeize

    [poll] APESHIT needs someone who won the lotto to pay for his interweb

    its a catch 22. if it was free it would be slow as fuck and filled with even more trolls. making ppl pay for it keeps most retards away
  19. iSeize

    Official Video Thread

    Bling Bling and the Universe. Most insightful man ive ever seen
  20. iSeize

    I kinda like this
