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  1. iSeize

    Custom Skins

    i wanna see 47s m4 skin now. as per player skins getting slashed, it sounds like a great idea. i only modded my guns anyway, and a neon green guy running in a dark area is sneaky, though annoying that they think were too dumb to catch on.
  2. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

    haha SJ welcome back
  3. iSeize

    Who like BABIES?

  4. iSeize


  5. iSeize

    remember that WoW freakout kid? yeah.....

    who knows, maybe its an allergic reaction to wearing shirts.
  6. iSeize


    The more Hardcore the better. New Devildriver is off the chain!!!
  7. iSeize

    Would the admin take in consideration if i ?

    haha hyde, DO IT! everyone likes seeing more ideas, just post em, and we can give you criticism and the like. i tried too a few months back when it was in agreeance that we need a "TAG" to spray on walls n shite.
  8. iSeize

    remember that WoW freakout kid? yeah.....

    The demon seed is back and hes crazier then ever. (almost) ive pretty much subscribed to his brothers youtube acct by now. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3...
  9. iSeize

    Rage Thread!

    holy shit its been over a month since someone posted anything
  10. iSeize

    U RAGE U LOSE Heres how it works. if u rage u lose: 5 seconds: Easy mode 10 Seconds: Medium 20 Seconds: expert 1 Minute: HOLY SHI- Whole vid: LAST BOSS OF THE INTERNETS
  11. iSeize

    FPS Disease

    funny vid about a guy that moves like an FPS character.
  12. iSeize


  13. iSeize


    i have a full body tattoo that gives the illusion that im really pale and skinny. Kicks ass.
  14. iSeize

    The Official "Your Ugly Mug" Thread

    and for good measure:
  15. iSeize

    THE GREAT OFFICE WAR! haha. you gotta sign up to watch it but shes fckn sexyyy
  16. iSeize


    haha awesome! the beginning reminds me of that banned Xbox ad.
  17. iSeize

    Best FML?

    vinny wins. flawless victory.
  18. iSeize

    Best FML?

    whats the best FML youve ever heard? mines gotta be: Today, I was pissing in a urinal and I had the urge to sneeze. Unable to hold it, I sneezed and hit my head on a metal beam supporting the urinal. In complete disarray, I had to step back from the urinal while pissing and managed to spray...
  19. iSeize

    Michael Jackson
