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  1. iSeize


    yeah i saw
  2. iSeize


    Trevor Lebert St. Clair College Hit me up fags My Pic is in Sepia Tone. Theres another Trevor Lebert in
  3. iSeize

    [poll] Vacation

    doesnt make a difference, i get the same amount of sleep, just at different times of the day :P insread of 12-8 its 4-12
  4. iSeize


    idk, can you really swim and ride a bike if you have tampons?
  5. iSeize

    [poll] Coffee

    i drink it socially, like my booze. actually i drink more beer then coffee.
  6. iSeize


    i got a hole in one at putt putt once
  7. iSeize

    Golf Courses

    probably some crazy one in dubai
  8. iSeize

    Quick Update

    wait, so, we actually ARE the #1 Server in Canada? i thought that was something LB made up to get free blowjobs from spinny to make him admin.
  9. iSeize

    Things To Ponder

  10. iSeize

    [poll] What is you favorite meat dish for the holidays?

    maybe you should start
  11. iSeize

    Shortbus + Iceman + Me + Kritz = WTFFFF

    Its OK narf you can be in my Blan.
  12. iSeize

    FS - 13" MacBook (testing waters here)

    MB Pros are where its at....if you REALLY wanna go with apple...
  13. iSeize

    Help, Need Suggestions. Thanks :)

    hey cr0jon whats your gamertag? ill hit you up
  14. iSeize

    ipod touch

    i remember hearing about a finger painting app. my cousins fiancee's brother (????) actually uses it as his main medium for the art he does, and even makes money by selling them Also BJ, Shazam wouldnt work for an iTouch because it doesnt have a microphone
  15. iSeize

    Toronto Temperature Conversion Chart

    Hell Freezes over, People in Toronto roll up thier windows.
  16. iSeize

    [poll] offtime

    fuckin spongebob...
  17. iSeize

    You Know You're an E-mail Junkie If..

    Hes Retired, BJ, all old guys have that certain friend/relative that sends them out in mass quantities. My dad retired about 6 months ago, my inbox has never been fuller. i pray to god he doesnt discover 4Chan. Hey, Omission, you ever been to 4chan?
  18. iSeize

    FS - 13" MacBook (testing waters here)

    let me kill your cat and we have a deal.
  19. iSeize


    just buy it. if your disappointed, its not as big of a loss