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  1. iSeize

    Shotgun_Jesus, I hate you

    LOL Narf. You got lucky that time.
  2. iSeize

    -=Pręăsh=- Revived - Application

    Stick around man! Maybe next time!
  3. iSeize

    vid: little kid punched and SCREAMING lol !

    Walk it off.
  4. iSeize

    some fag that wants membership.

    -1 his parties are shit.
  5. iSeize

    Official MMA Thread

    #5, Why is Abbot wearing gloves and the other guy's got not?
  6. iSeize

    marios death metal bowser castle theme !!

    i had to come watch it again.
  7. iSeize

    Hey Steve

    you forgot the echo
  8. iSeize


    well GG for losing the admin vote.
  9. iSeize

    Sick of getting Knifed by Brains!!!!

    this guys on the server all the time, with a new sexy spray every day. + Motherfuckin 1
  10. iSeize

    marios death metal bowser castle theme !!

    fuckin love it!!!!!
  11. iSeize

    Body scans..

    yeah they look at thousands of naked people every day. i could care less. if he sees my junk, at least i dont have to look at his.
  12. iSeize

    Looking to join TD

    Havent played him much in game, but hes got alot of forum presence. i consider that a plus. +1!
  13. iSeize

    Application. TD|Roach!!!?!?!?!

    Lots of Presence in game, and hes a pretty good scrimmer. +1
  14. iSeize

    vid: amazing rail grind

    me too :D the balance is definately impressive tho.
  15. iSeize

    MUST SEE !!! what a fail looks like

    Looks Familiar....Oh wait, its what our donations looked like 3 weeks ago
  16. iSeize

    vid: amazing rail grind
  17. iSeize

    2010 Toronto Blue Jays

    Fact: Baseball makes me sleepy
  18. iSeize

    Every Shotgun_Jesus name Vol. II

    TD| Beef Stew but with Cocks