Search results

  1. iSeize

    Team killing/shooting with intent

    SOunds like we need more admins! I think iSeize is a good candidate.
  2. iSeize

    have a sizure

    ITs a Trap. I cant look!
  3. iSeize

    Stats reset?

    they get reset when we pick new applicants.
  4. iSeize

    So Shotgun_Jesus and I were talking and...

    now im sad i wont be there to meet SJ. thousands of pictures must be taken
  5. iSeize

    Big Jumps

  6. iSeize

    Top 10 extreme jumps ever.

    lol i guess you're right
  7. iSeize

    Top 10 extreme jumps ever.

    Some of the most extreme stunts ever. two guesses who promoted this video. qqhlfz9GQPE
  8. iSeize

    Steam comes to Mac

    I heard a great analogy as to how the operating systems work. Consider each Operating system is an appartment. Mac is the best appartment money can buy, and comes with nothing but top quality furniture, except it is bolted to the floor and you cant change anything around. Windows isnt...
  9. iSeize

    TD Meet Ideas - Spring/Summer '10

    you still showed up like 4 hours late. i drove from windsor and was there on time.
  10. iSeize

    Steam comes to Mac

  11. iSeize

    Application for my newfaggy self (can I say that?).

    Dont think ive ever seen you on the server, maybe next time! Forum presence is a must as well. Doesnt look good when your first post is your application.
  12. iSeize

    Steam comes to Mac

    i am satisfied by about this. *sips drink* i feel like playing portal
  13. iSeize

    TD Meet Ideas - Spring/Summer '10

    just not a huge soccer fan. slooowww ass game. If it was a hockey game i'd try to go.
  14. iSeize

    TD Meet Ideas - Spring/Summer '10

    Ughhh why cant we just get drunk. this sounds like so much effort
  15. iSeize

    The compile-what-you-know-about-SJ thread

    first travelled to japan when he was 20 His web-development skills are all in Coding. No artsy stuff. just the scripts and shit that run on the site. i wish i could see some of the stuff he's worked on tho.
  16. iSeize

    $1 Domains at Net Firms

    hay i just registered for $.99!