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  1. iSeize

    Mad Men

    note how brains shows interest
  2. iSeize

    Starcraft 2

    i think this is the most epic forum fuck up ever. i'll allow this.
  3. iSeize

    look out neil pert

    bloodsport rockband gif is epic.
  4. iSeize

    look out neil pert

    someone photoshop drums onto my sig!!! DO IT GOD DAMMIT!!
  5. iSeize

    look out neil pert

    This guy is the greatest entertainer and probably best drummer. Or maybe its the ADHD QoDsbSOE_j8
  6. iSeize

    very cool

    uhh....drek, you got jizz on your face.
  7. iSeize

    My Fist Flash Bang Kill

    "reaction Faces" on 4chan. ive got quite the collection myself
  8. iSeize

    ok, what if

    Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors came from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are super strong murderers that punch people into Venetian doors...
  9. iSeize

    Don't eat them!

    COW and CHIKEEN?!!
  10. iSeize

    This racing game setup is better than yours:

    pics or gtfo Edit: How the fuck did this post get here? it literally inserted itself below Mandys, when i posted it after Bman.
  11. iSeize

    This racing game setup is better than yours:

  12. iSeize

    Spinny turns 36 today

    Oh ok. you're not that hot then. Happy Birthday tho! have a good one.
  13. iSeize

    Calling all canadians....

    lol me, drugz, and clash are all from tecumseh. yeah its just outside windsor.
  14. iSeize


  15. iSeize


    ....i dont get it
  16. iSeize

    Best Job?

    ive been told the best job is "Great Barrier Reef Patrol" you live on an island by yourself and drive a boat around the reef for a few hours every day to keep it in check.
  17. iSeize

    What instrument do you play?

    gonna try for like the 3rd time to pick up guitar this summer
  18. iSeize

    Go to Australia

  19. iSeize

    Go to Australia

    i should have said australia sucks and talked about the long winters. too subtle?