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  1. iSeize

    Source Mod Squish

    no change as of yet, prop.
  2. iSeize

    watch TV online.

    Proxy + Hulu?
  3. iSeize

    My latest project...

    Well Done Prop, when can we test it out? IM KIDDING.
  4. iSeize

    3 Word Story - Version 2!

    So one day, Spinny and Brains went over to Remy's house to suck his dick when suddenly a wild Leroy appeared. Consequently, Leroy had a gargantuan penis which turned out to be a potato stuffed sock. Nevertheless, Brains assumed the receiver stance and took it up his ass. To his disappointment...
  5. iSeize


    moh is so bad
  6. iSeize

    3 Word Story - Version 2!

    So one day, Spinny and Brains went over to Remy's house to suck his dick when suddenly a wild Leroy appeared. Consequently, Leroy had a gargantuan penis which turned out to be a potato stuffed sock. Nevertheless, Brains assumed the receiver stance and took it up his ass. To his disappointment...
  7. iSeize

    Source Mod Squish

    a lot of people have been commenting on the Squish noise that source mod makes when you look at a spray or anytime SM puts a message up on your screen. after a while i feel its a bit unnecessary, anyone else feel the same way?
  8. iSeize

    Portal 2 gameplay footage

    47 u are banned from posting in any thread i make forever Edit: Jesus H fucking Christ did you check out part 2 and 3??@@ fdNEsYyAoUI mGlyQmmvj0w
  9. iSeize


  10. iSeize

    Apple Mac help?

    47 it should be clear at this point we dont give a fuck that you hate mac. i really dont even care enough to ask why.
  11. iSeize

    epic TF2 achievment map

    This is griefing at its finest. you think you're going in to farm some achievements when.... JM1Ay85de3U
  12. iSeize

    Let's help bucky j get a job asap!!!

    keep in mind its not always going to be continuous work. there IS a possibility that you could get laid off.
  13. iSeize

    NEW UPDATE!!!!

    its much more bearable now that source mod is back.
  14. iSeize


    agreed turn it off for the being. good call.
  15. iSeize

    NEW UPDATE!!!!

    its pretty redundant now that there are names on the radar. does having that information really help in any way? Nemesis and Domination system is also extremely stupid for CS. Its supposed to be slow paced gaming, not fast paced like tf2. is there a petition we can sign to make them roll back...
  16. iSeize

    NEW UPDATE!!!!

    yeah you can turn off kill cam. check options
  17. iSeize


    the terrorists are winning
  18. iSeize

    Source Server is Down

    Valve needs to make this update voluntary. I also want to strangle gabe right now.