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  1. iSeize

    Anyone From UOIT>

    nonono when we say Clubbing Baby Seals, we mean those Baby Seals that go to Clubs downtown.
  2. iSeize

    TD StarCraft Tourney #3 - BRACKETS

    i'll pirate it.
  3. iSeize

    New NES emulator, courtesy of LB.

    LB, mind adding Gladius and Gladius2? thanks
  4. iSeize

    ok, what if

    idk. are there?
  5. iSeize

    ok, what if

    4chan-the internets 7th circle of hell.
  6. iSeize

    Anyone From UOIT>

  7. iSeize

    Indoor Skydiving tricks (vid)

    Indoor Skydiving, Watch until the end. it gets good around 2 minutes QNhaPFvmqVU
  8. iSeize

    Omission goes Hunting

  9. iSeize


    13/f/montreal ;)
  10. iSeize


    only when they died too. that was fucked up doctor.
  11. iSeize


  12. iSeize


    ahh i forgot about the laser. that was one of the better mods, simple and effective. I think mugging should just be 100% cash, with a minimum of $500 if possible please :D
  13. iSeize

    New NES emulator, courtesy of LB.

    Fuck you.
  14. iSeize

    Gaming Communities and Competitive Gaming - ESEA News

    the idea of getting paid to play video games is definitely a luxury i wish i could enjoy, but at the same time i dont want to put THAT much time into a video game. I keep video games strictly an entertainment transaction. Yet i do enjoy watching extremely competitive play. its like taking...
  15. iSeize


    thats not true mandy, i think green is my favorite color.
  16. iSeize


    meh...i was really drunk when i posted that. shoot me.
  17. iSeize


    BHS wants to keep addons on the down low,. so many updates = less addons on the server