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  1. iSeize

    We're all friends here

    50,000 GET
  2. iSeize


  3. iSeize


    yeah thats me behind paper
  4. iSeize

    Jon Lajoie

    Hes on a TV show called "The League". its about a bunch of friends who play Fantasy Football. "Taco" (Jon Lajoie) is one of them. best character on the show, period. Taco writes a song for his friends daughter zuVsLR_2GX0 Taco tries to make some extra cash selling...
  5. iSeize


    1280 x 1024? drek you playin on a 4:3 CRT monitor still?
  6. iSeize

    TD Troll of the Day

    Alright, as promised to bring more fun to the forums based on feedback from the community, we(I) have decided to add "TD Troll of the Day" You must meet this criteria: Play rugby Skydive Scuba Be male. Today's Troll of the Day is: TD | Leroy Jenkins Congrats!
  7. iSeize

    Halo: Reach

    Story:gay/10 - didnt pay attention to this Graphics:3/10 - same shit different game. wooaaaaa. Motion blur hides shitty frames per second? why dont all games do this?! Gameplay:6/10 - you can assassinate people in this one. BRAND NEW GAME! Multiplayer: 7/10 if you have no friends, play with...
  8. iSeize

    interesting article

    like this one time i was watching UFC or whatever and this dude totally punched the other dude in the face! bad sportsmanship. dont blame video games.
  9. iSeize

    Korean APM demo

    YbpCLqryN-Q /wrists
  10. iSeize


    Hinouchi, that sheep perfectly emulates my reaction to pokeherface's comment. keep it there. forever.
  11. iSeize

    Sick Deals and Bargains Thread

    *waits patiently for the bidding to start on Buckshot Jr.*
  12. iSeize

    CSS Tournament (Inner TD and Guest team match ups)

    TD is cursed with bad turnouts NEVER FORGET, AUGUST 7TH.
  13. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

  14. iSeize


    thats what i call a diplomatic solution.
  15. iSeize


    welcome dude! enjoy your stay. i like long walks on the beach and a good footrub while playing CS
  16. iSeize

    I think it's about time...

    walk into BP Thomas will scream "LETS KNIFE WALL!!!!" chaos shall ensue. first haiku evar.
  17. iSeize

    COD MW2

    might happen in Black ops. MW2 is dead around here. i play it on Xbox occasionally when my buddies are over and thats about it.
  18. iSeize


    you forgot that you love smokin' herb.
  19. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

    i cant wait for BJ to fail...its going to be astronomical more astronomical then his siggy