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  1. iSeize

    Firefall PAX

    reviving thread. some new videos have been released, this time starting to make it look pretty good, i may have to eat my words on this one. 8DjTS9_DtNc
  2. iSeize

    Dubstep Thread

    hahaha i laughed so hard through that 5th one. 47- The Boregore one was really good! been meaning to post this one for a while, heard it while watchinf Day[9] nlZ6ZXNOTnc
  3. iSeize

    N64, 4 Contrllers and great games, and more...

    im so sad i cant find Goldeneye.
  4. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    yea man, 600 torrents in the last year
  5. iSeize

    The Metal Thread This guy uploads new albums to pirate bay almost daily, idk where he gets this shit but they are all 320 rips, i think he buys them all. If you "Like" him on facebook, it'll pop up in your...
  6. iSeize

    New Battlefield? not BF3

    with raptors....GRAWWW!!!
  7. iSeize

    New Battlefield? not BF3

    Im waiting for BattleField: ICe Age, where i can ride around on Mammoths and Divebomb with Pterodactyls
  8. iSeize

    Crying statue in windsor

    i love how this shit only happens to Catholics themselves. If it happened to an atheist, the god illusion may seem a bit more apparent. the fact that no other religions report miracles, EVER, save for the old testaments jews, also just makes the believers look like a bunch of kooks.
  9. iSeize

    New XBOX 360 Kinect

  10. iSeize

    New Maps Thread

    Bucky Jr for BHA!!!
  11. iSeize

    Interesting Picture

    are you crazy? everything looks fine to me.
  12. iSeize

    ATTN: BHA - RE: Rabies

    Demarcio, its a known glitch since the update. Pretty sure it only affects your computer tho. not everyones, so him sneaking up to people is unlikely.
  13. iSeize


  14. iSeize

    New Maps Thread

    if the maps are gonna be modified, the spawns should be widened to accommodate about 20 players each. this way people wont (hopefully) get stuck, because there is more room.
  15. iSeize

    Dust2/Piranesi Map

    im down to help if it gets the maps in faster.
  16. iSeize

    Going to be playing on TD a LOT more from now on

    ive seen servers that dont allow swearing of any kind. the games 18+...its their choice to run a server like that but i think its unnecessary. stupid restrictions. no fun if they are barking at you to change your name because its got drug references or some shit. ghey.
  17. iSeize

    Nov 13th - Meet

    if you got pet allergies you're in for a fun night :D
  18. iSeize

    Top 10 Worst Boyfriend

    milkjug thats was excellent number one is good too. The first one has a backstory to it, she kicked him in the nuts on camera, him smacking her ass and shoving pie in her face was the retaliation.