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  1. iSeize

    Bad news: Brains might live longer than we thought (or hoped)

  2. iSeize

    Yet Another Build Order Tester

    awesome! thanks man.
  3. iSeize

    GTA mario

    Well EXCUUUUSE ME princess!
  4. iSeize

    Pirate Xbox 360 games

    you can hack your box, but you gotta stay offline when you play burned games, AKA Singleplayer / Local Multipalyer only. From what i understand is, you get flagged when you go online with a burned game. in Feb or March all the flagged players are going to be banned. i havent heard of a...
  5. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

  6. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    3oJHs5Dn5vQ RAEP
  7. iSeize

    3 Word Story - Version 2!

    So one day, Narf and Narf went over to Narf's house to suck his dick when suddenly a wild Narf appeared. Consequently, Narf had a gargantuan penis which turned out to be a potato stuffed sock. Nevertheless, Narf assumed the receiver stance and took it up his ass. To his disappointment, it wasn't...
  8. iSeize

    A lil bitching and moaning.

    Keeripes ownz
  9. iSeize

    Please make WOW Forum Section

    narf is a mod he should be able to make a section eh?
  10. iSeize

    Gundam Wing- Crunchyroll

    that was retarded i thought you said it was gundam!!!
  11. iSeize

    Gran Tourismo 5

  12. iSeize

    Please make WOW Forum Section

    lets just kick the wow addicts out of TD
  13. iSeize

    Gran Tourismo 5

    Took em long enough to release it, i'd love to get this game, its got full damage!! thats always urked me in racing games.
  14. iSeize

    Please make WOW Forum Section

    next thing you know we're gonna have TD members from Wow. PASS.
  15. iSeize


    have you guys heard of the Chicago Cubs?
  16. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    RwJbBCWZIkA SHIT IS WHACK!!! enjoy.
  17. iSeize

    Official Music Thread

    dallas greene is already pretty huge
  18. iSeize

    The Vampire Earth series

    last good apocalypse book i read was The Road, by the same dude that wrote No Country for Old Men. It was OK, interesting writing style. maybe ill pick this one up.