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  1. iSeize

    Post your age/DOB!

    lol okay.
  2. iSeize


    Welcome to Darkly, pull up a chair, enjoy the complementary bukakke.
  3. iSeize

    Post your age/DOB!

    no. too old.
  4. iSeize

    Post your age/DOB!

    and hinouchi is 25, he looks at least 12.
  5. iSeize

    Post your age/DOB!

    20. sept 4th, 1990
  6. iSeize

    Newbies: General Information

    pic a spec and follow it closely. if you fuck it up you will lose dps, so just reset it. also, the harder you smash your face into the concrete, the less wow you need to play.
  7. iSeize

    Get ripped or die trying

    where the fuck did you find a camel?
  8. iSeize

    World of Warcraft

    so much fun.
  9. iSeize


    Auron has lots of candy and is currently borrowing Death's Van. you two should meet up at Cedar Point!
  10. iSeize

    Fucking Updates

    21:57 <iSeize>: !8ball are you a cat? 21:57 <ChanServ>: iSeize: Meow, I'm a cat!
  11. iSeize


    Glad you like the server! welcome to the forums
  12. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

    i like the cat with goggles better. Coke: lets do some.
  13. iSeize

    Public plea to Ice

    if you though iCe was boring, wait till you see his REAL name
  14. iSeize

    Dual Display help

    playing CS in windowed mode should solve the problem, no?
  15. iSeize

    Public plea to Ice

    baby needs a good spanking
  16. iSeize

    vid: sticky foam dude

    BUGGA! Looks like I been in wunna those Bukakke pornos!
  17. iSeize


    ive never been to wikileaks...this whole situation is a mystery to me.
  18. iSeize

    BattleField Heores (for Taylor)

    i played the Beta of this game. it was allright. good free game. i got bored of it tho because everyone is a cheeser. i had fun raping with the knife and dynamite.
  19. iSeize

    RC Plow

    Awesome invention!!! I'd love to drive one!! tPg1ZMiC9pA
  20. iSeize

    Yet Another Build Order Tester

    you need to BUY starcraft. and Counter Strike for that matter.