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  1. iSeize

    MAP FEEDBACK - de_corruption

    Agreed BJ. lets keep it around for situational use
  2. iSeize

    MAP FEEDBACK - de_sidewalk

  3. iSeize

    APB beta stream

    basically my exact rational. The Beta is so empty that the stream isnt a good representation of the full game. even GTA games are fun for a couple months so this should be worth my time. ive been gaming on a budget lately!
  4. iSeize

    Very cool bike run

  5. iSeize

    Very cool bike run

  6. iSeize

    Another Great Jimmy Kimmel Skit

    gotta watch more kimmel.
  7. iSeize

    Post Your Desktop (no cleaning)

    Win7 Architecture theme
  8. iSeize

    MAP FEEDBACK - de_corruption

    lets keep it around, but off rotation. might be fun for playing later on in the evenings. I havent had a chance to play on it yet.
  9. iSeize

    New Meet Idea

    yea, what 47 said. real talk.
  10. iSeize

    Streaming Full-Time

    but.. wow is just so bad
  11. iSeize

    Hottie Bodies Humpilates - Jimmy Kimmel

    that was damn funny. +1 internet
  12. iSeize

    Next TD meet?

    take a peek in the Darkly Lounge. we got a sticky with all the details
  13. iSeize


    If i remember correctly all it takes is a txt file edit to get the maps in rotation.
  14. iSeize

    Saturday Knife Competition - Feb 19, 2011

    Narfs a goddamned shiester.
  15. iSeize

    E Sports coming to NA aside from the shitty promo, this sounds awesome. Blizz is going to be backing it themselves, which is why the prize pool is so humongous. Wewt!
  16. iSeize

    Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne anyone?

    do any of you guys have a custom map called Battleships by any chance?
  17. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    March is gonna be a great month Click for Release Dates