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  1. iSeize

    NEW Stats platform on TD servers

    what was wrong with HLX?
  2. iSeize

    Low Budget

    I like knowing that i have a natural "normal" level of consciousness. if i had to alter my state to achieve a "normal" status, i would know ive gone too far. My point of view with all substances, even shit like Coffee.
  3. iSeize


    ever read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? funny series, easy read.
  4. iSeize


  5. iSeize

    I'll just leave this here..

    looks like 44 needs a spanking %-6
  6. iSeize


    Hey man, good to see you around these parts, now i can formally ask you: Not in the face.
  7. iSeize

    This is how I start the server every morning

    hahahahh thats hilarious. good one buddy
  8. iSeize

    Anudda Bungeeeee

    Is he still going to post pics???
  9. iSeize

    USA just invaded Korea - thoughts?

    I am for our war of terror
  10. iSeize

    new Mech FPS: Hawken

    Game looks solid. Im wondering if the Mechs are going to be as modular as Mechwarrior's. udEAEARD-Fo
  11. iSeize

    anyone play eve

    Yeah, i stopped after i fell asleep while playing it.
  12. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

    whose iCe
  13. iSeize

    Happy birthday to who~ happy birthday to who~ happy birthday to who~

    Happy Birthday Manders. Dont get da aids.
  14. iSeize

    Looks like I'll be staying here in Toronto with you fags...

    Thats...really shitty. who can i punch in the face to make it better
  15. iSeize


    holy shit oooold thread
  16. iSeize

    Rumbling Noises

    conspiracies make my penis soft. have you people forgotten about Occams Razor?
  17. iSeize

    trouble shoot this

    try logging into someone elses account and running CS. it sounds like some files were changed whne you edited your settings, and something dosnt agree with your computer. Trying a new account might force your comp to edit the wonky files. it sounds retarded but i've fixed problems like this...
  18. iSeize

    Rumbling Noises

    See this is why Banshees are so fuckin imba.