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  1. iSeize

    TD Shirt Orders

    not a bad idea, someone could also put a global message in the CS:S server
  2. iSeize

    Tired of the bs

    tire, im glad you took the time to look at the issue from our side, instead of bitching someone out. (we get people like that a lot). Fact of the matter is, sometimes we TD guys like to stick together, sometimes autojoin seems to favor a specific team. it really depends on the order that...
  3. iSeize

    TD Shirt Orders

    I'm Ordering a Snuggie
  4. iSeize

    New Minecraft server

    its back now, but its been rolled back to sometime last week
  5. iSeize

    New PC

    and they keep all your information in plain text, so its easy to read.
  6. iSeize

    The real reason why Leroy plays rugby

    who would name their son "Alberta"?
  7. iSeize

    Opinions on knife mods

    definitely NO throwing. LeechMod was classic. Loved it. i think 25 hp not enough but 50 might be too much
  8. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread
  9. iSeize

    Got a new keyboard

    i have the old G110, its so nice, only red/blue colors tho. not that i care
  10. iSeize

    New choice of the fags of America

    ooh i know this one a Faggot once meant "a bundle of sticks", so men referred to thier women as Faggots, kind of like how we call them Baggage nowadays. So the word faggot became used to describe women, and then also used to describe effeminate men (TEH GAYS), and that became so popular that...
  11. iSeize


    Appreciated, LB. i know people everywhere are rejoicing
  12. iSeize


    pretty sure thats the one. i liked it, gave the server a teeny bit of personality. just like Bark at the moon, but, downloading it every time kinda sucks!
  13. iSeize


    Even with cl_allowdownloads set to 0, i still have to download the growl.mp3, sometimes its fast, other times it takes 2-3 minutes while the server switches maps. Anyone else having this problem? can we try taking growl off the server for a day and see if it goes away, or gets replaced by...