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  1. iSeize

    The end of Polygons in video games

    O DAM!!! Minecraft Creator "Notch" had something to say about this video. buuurrrrnn
  2. iSeize

    Promising Games Thread

    Valve is making DOTA2. no real info, or gameplay or any of that, but the game is coming. should be good.
  3. iSeize

    The end of Polygons in video games

    just posting this here for you guys. keep this in mind and we shall see what becomes of new games in the next 4 or 5 years, after this technology is complete.
  4. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    Casting spell: REVIVE!
  5. iSeize

    Favorite Drink?

  6. iSeize

    new owner for MC

    Thought you guys would like this: we've accomplished a lot on our server click for enlarged images
  7. iSeize

    new owner for MC

    Hey man its all good. I was'nt trying to call anyone out but i had to bring it up. I knew there was a reason for lack of donations, lots of people have fallen on tough times lately. Didnt mean to sound harsh or anything.
  8. iSeize

    new owner for MC

    where are you going to put it? (not in MY butt)
  9. iSeize

    new owner for MC

    why is that stupid? thats what i had to do before i turned 18
  10. iSeize

    new owner for MC

    im just saying we can discuss it as long as it takes, but at the end of the day, Money talks.
  11. iSeize

    new owner for MC

    Also i just want to say that only Me, Thomas, And Pyro have donated? i see many more regulars on minecraft. Im suprised that the other regulars are just trying to get a free ride. /sarcasm
  12. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

    every quote is undoubtedly birthed in SJ's mind. sick puppy. probably a hentai fanfic writer in his spare time.
  13. iSeize

    new owner for MC

    Okay...this obviously doesnt sound so great. Just incase something happens, is there anyway we can back up the server to our home PCs? I understand that MC certainly does NOT have even close enough support in this community to warrant it being hosted on the TD box. Nope not happening. so...
  14. iSeize

    Post Dumb Shit

  15. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

    Hentai Quotes
  16. iSeize

    Post Dumb Shit

    everything i post IS dumb shit. some people just aren't pulling their weight
  17. iSeize

    CSS on Mac

    Mine is playable in OSX. it does kinda suck. like SJ said, Steam hasnt been perfected on OSX just yet.
  18. iSeize

    vid: Dave Grohl for admin

    Dave grohl is a god among men
  19. iSeize

    [NSFW] Trolling on Xbox Live. Classic.

    Kid uses shittalker to fuck with a kid on xbox live. it gets really good.
  20. iSeize

    Super 8

    i liked it. its like an adult version of a childrens mystery movie. its got kids in it but it wasnt childish also, the movie they are making throughout the film is lols