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  1. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    Got a bunch of new shit today. im on a melodic metal kick (i hope this post rolls over to a new page for layout purposes...thanks deadmike lol)
  2. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    Dying Fetus sucked. Oceano has a damn good vocalist but the band is only half decent. BUT i was definitely impressed by Fleshgod and ABRB, and Darkest Hour sounded fucking amazing compared to everyone else. Whitechapel was allright but everyone took a step aside when TBDM hit the stage...
  3. iSeize

    Andoird help?

    this is why cock is cool.
  4. iSeize

    Greetings all!

    Welcome to the forums man! im always down to pwn some new people :D
  5. iSeize

    NEw minecraft server

    Mandy its', the reddit creative server. also, (in my opinion) i dont mind starting from scratch. i really dont care. not even sure if i will play it this time around.
  6. iSeize

    Game of Thrones

    portable website
  7. iSeize

    TD Shirt Orders

    tried to send you a PM cock but it failed because your inbox is full. i already payed you nonetheless.
  8. iSeize

    Irc newb needs help.

    Deadmike, Android = Phone
  9. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    Summer Slaughter and Mayhem Fest in one weekend.. ears are still ringing, voice still kaput.
  10. iSeize

    Promising Games Thread

    Car guys will LOVE this but as a game, kinda booooring
  11. iSeize

    47 and the server-clearing minigun

    W + Mouse 1 is key strategy!
  12. iSeize


    Get a hard plastic or aluminum one. they last for years
  13. iSeize

    47 and the server-clearing minigun

    quad jump are you fucking kidding me?
  14. iSeize

    Just in case

    OMG i have to see the web redemption from Tosh. those are so fucking funny. Found it...
  15. iSeize

    Annaleise's Membership Application

    thread = jacked. post bacon?
  16. iSeize

    Athene's Theory of Everything [Documentary]

    Very Well edited full length documentary on Athene's Theory of Everything, which is a simplified but comprehensive overview of scientific theory (lots of big words in here) The content is very thick and somewhat dry, but to anyone that bears interest in the unknown (or modern science's...
  17. iSeize

    Upcoming Movies Thread

    The "In Time" movie concept sounds like it was inspired by southpark.
  18. iSeize

    humble bundle 3 end in 6 days

    Bought it! woooo i love indie games :3
  19. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    be seeing fleshgod on friday also, the new chimaira record is almost out! fucking w00t!! August 16th
  20. iSeize


    this game is pretty cool. only worth one play through, but it won a lot of awards