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  1. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

  2. iSeize

    Some Dudes Bday

    ...and that dude happens to be our very own .44 Cal!!!! Just for fun i looked up a bunch of other cool things that happened on Oct 17th in history: Nothing. But Happy bday anyway ya big fag.
  3. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread Technology these days...
  4. iSeize


  5. iSeize

    iSeize is he real?

    says the clone
  6. iSeize


    16 eh? Brains will love you.
  7. iSeize

    Robot goes and buys a sammich Kickass Robot. I said no tomatoes, you hunk of scrap metal! Go do it again!
  8. iSeize

    It's Nice to Meet Everyone!

  9. iSeize

    Map in the works

    Wow. Looking great. Really great. :D
  10. iSeize

    fags being fags

    THE JOKER INCIDENT? Ohh man i forgot about that...they worked hard for those two cigs.
  11. iSeize


    Peace dude. Too bad its come to this.
  12. iSeize

    I just

    and you accidentally the whole thing?
  13. iSeize

    Chaz Bono

    a match made in the pits of hell
  14. iSeize

    Chaz Bono

    its girlfriend is hot. and throw the fact that shes a lez on top of it. Nice!?
  15. iSeize

    TomServo Application

    Pro: Good at taking dick Con: SteamID is thejuggalok +1 I can vouch for him. good guy.
  16. iSeize

    Mirror's Edge Real Life

    wow that was well done. sick find
  17. iSeize

    iPhone 4 or BlackBerry 9900?

    are you implying you cant do that on other phones?
  18. iSeize

    iPhone 4 or BlackBerry 9900?

    not a huge deal but im currently loving how non-iOS phones have universal charger ports. this makes finding a charger so easy that you dont even have to worry about battery life. Keep a charger at your computer, next to your bed, and at work, and you'll never worry about battery.
  19. iSeize

    Bigger Cock

    Cock on Fire!!! Happy Bday man. Get baked!
  20. iSeize

    Post Awesome Shit

    This is the best interview i think ive ever seen. Better if you've played wow and/or listen to metal!