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  1. iSeize

    April Fools collection

    Gotta agree with steve
  2. iSeize

    April Fools collection

    April Fools Lots of People and Companies will be trying to pull a fast one on us today. Just posting the ones ive found So far i've got George Takei trying to announce a new Trek Movie Google's new 8 bit Map and an...
  3. iSeize

    Gmail Tap im kinda hoping this isnt an april fools joke
  4. iSeize

    The Metal Thread contending for album of the year already. i know it.
  5. iSeize front page

    So what you're saying is...Tapatalk is back?
  6. iSeize

    Official Minecraft Server - 5 Free Copies

    jeeesus everyone sucks at playing the game. they all pester Gustavue for stuff non stop.
  7. iSeize

    DARKLY Giveaway Contest

    STEAM_0:0:16352255 TD|iSeize GL all.
  8. iSeize

    Reviving TransGaming A Concept that didnt take off as well as it should have, but is being renewed in the DUST 514 Game which is Directly linked to EvE Online. Worth a Watch, and worth Discussing.
  9. iSeize

    Official Music Thread If you love pink floyd....
  10. iSeize


    ugh. i feel stupid for not knowing UK did it first...should have guessed, lol.
  11. iSeize


    ive been playing the preorder alphas and its a pretty good game, it just gets a little frustrating when you dont know how to do stuff, with no AI difficulty you end up getting your shit stomped 80% of the time. The level editor is greek to me, but i figured out how to drop weapons for myself and...
  12. iSeize

    For Brains

    i dont. i have house keys.
  13. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    emmure can choke on a dick. ive seen those guys live. ZZZZZZZ
  14. iSeize

    For Brains

    fixed. fairy fuck.
  15. iSeize

    Kids trolling death

    A new thread is born. post your crazy stunt vids. heres a classic that makes my hands hurt just watching
  16. iSeize

    CS Pro here

  17. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    OMFG white holy shit.
  18. iSeize

    NEWS CS:GO Beta Keys Giveaway

    TD|iSeize #CSGO STEAM_0:0:16352255
  19. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    Caliban? holy fuck i completely forgot about them. Ze Germans are coming! saw them long time ago at my first show. (with ASP)