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  1. iSeize


    Datguy...sometimes you just make me want to beat your face in with a brick...meatball? really? sup kahuna.
  2. iSeize

    Promising Games Thread notbad.jpg
  3. iSeize

    Marijuana March Tomorrow

    but its the aluminum that gets you hiiiiiigh
  4. iSeize

    new steam feature now you can start that download whenever you want
  5. iSeize

    Windows 8?

    Fuuuck, Without Competition, Micro$oft will (as if it hasn't already) become another steaming stanley steamer. Google spends $300 million a year on MOZILLA to keep google as the default search engine. this is merely a perk but they are ultimately funding their own competition so they can...
  6. iSeize

    What will happen to the CS:S servers when CS:GO comes around?

    As of right now it definitely disappoints. At this point the thing keeping me playing CS:S is how long i've been playing CS:S. self fulfilling prophecy.
  7. iSeize

    Marijuana March Tomorrow

  8. iSeize

    Incredible UAV demo [Ted talk]

    Penn State Professor Vijay Kumar's TED talk on autonomous quadrotor robots. Impressive stuff. the list of uses these robots have is almost endless
  9. iSeize

    Porn for the Blind

  10. iSeize

    Back door

    that mouth based video game was not what i was expecting. GROSS BRAINS
  11. iSeize

    Kinda random... Yet true!

    reddit says hey
  12. iSeize


    hopefully i can find an apartment in a neighborhood like egon someday.
  13. iSeize

    Epic Picture Thread

  14. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

  15. iSeize

    Downtown tomorrow

    i just came down with a bad case of Bail, sorry.
  16. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    Good Guy Tenacious D: releases whole album on sound cloud.
  17. iSeize

    The Metal Thread

    hahaha i was just about to post FF! heres the full single
  18. iSeize

    Fans beat cops/security

    +1 man that was totally excessive force but LOL at the guy at 0:51 that lines up the cop and fails