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  1. iSeize

    Forcing New Maps

    can you put scorch back on the nominations list <3
  2. iSeize

    Forcing New Maps

    some of our maps have spawns that dont fit in the buy zone, Egon and Contra. thought that was strange, did someone add spawns to them?
  3. iSeize

    DARKLY frag videos / clips

    ok, but you have to switch them to right handed :razz:
  4. iSeize

    Forcing New Maps

    yeah survivor looks kickass im just about to test it edit: its so fappable i dont know where to start. must play test immediately. 64 spawns too.
  5. iSeize

    Forcing New Maps

    i just picked it out of the air as an example. If we threw all the maps on there the community would have a better map pool to play on PERIOD, since it'd already contain every single map we are running. After everyone tries the maps only the best of the best are going to get nominated and...
  6. iSeize

    Forcing New Maps

    half of our maps have been around since 2006. what are you saying
  7. iSeize

    Forcing New Maps

    well man, im looking at our nomination list: this is what everyone is picking maps from. where is dolls? or Scud? there are a lot of prime maps already on the server and a few that were added recently that arent in this list, and never played because only SAs can force the server to play them...
  8. iSeize

    Forcing New Maps

    if i look for some more maps will you make a decision on playing them?
  9. iSeize

    Promising Games Thread

    im just a controller hater
  10. iSeize

    de_egon_world_td ** COMMUNITY OPINIONS NEEDED PLEASE ASAP!!!!! **

    stratedgery pfft see i just blat blat dem honkeys dead ya hurd
  11. iSeize

    Police: Serve and protect? More like beat up and rob

    yeah its the cops that waste their time on petty crimes that urk me. go catch a real criminal please.