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  1. Hawk-Eye

    vid: new life form found in sewer

    either he is a biologists or he eats these for breakfastlol
  2. Hawk-Eye

    vid: new life form found in sewer

    LOL doesnt look like CGI to me...but plus is doenst look like sewers either...looks like intestine with hemerrhoids LOL
  3. Hawk-Eye

    The Official "Your Ugly Mug" Thread

    100% afro caucasian dating a uber hot japanese girl...which reminds me pic with your japanese GF pl0x LOL Didnt SJ say he was going to Japan or something? maybe thats why he hasnt been trolling around...
  4. Hawk-Eye


    hahaha LoL is it normal I laugh to that instead of raging? LOL I mean I watched 1 minute of it and then got tired but not really raging...LoL
  5. Hawk-Eye

    The Official "Your Ugly Mug" Thread

    HAHAHA I can't believe I havent posted a pic yet...hmmm lemme go on FB and try to fond some HAHAHAHAHA I had to post this, this isnt really me but I'm the dude with the cap on...its jsut that it makes me laugh to no end....this pic....LoL Well this was during a banquet for a conference I...
  6. Hawk-Eye

    Lul at what people look like

    HAAHA LoL we should start a thread and write what we think eople look like... like SJ, I always see him as a caucasian guy with an afro...dunno why...maybe it just amplifies his jokes and make me laugh LoL
  7. Hawk-Eye

    HELP ME!

    huh? they pay you to go to AA meetings? or do you save money from not buying any alcohol?
  8. Hawk-Eye

    We all need to help a fellow member !!!!!

    oh man omission...shouldnt do that to your old body lol but I must say his wife must have been really really pissed LoL
  9. Hawk-Eye


    LoL, Ive seena pool get evacuated due to some homo kid shitting in the pool LoL I've done evertyhing cept...shit in pool loL
  10. Hawk-Eye

    The Bible Explained by /b/ LoL

    not sure if youll see it properly, at most you could also go here: not sure if tis was posted before but I found this pretty funnnyLoL Complete Blasphemy lol
  11. Hawk-Eye

    Epic/Funny Quotes from DARKLY

    Hawk-Eye: Man, I can't wait to get my Iphone. Brains: You mean IGay. LoL total backfire hahahaha couldnt stop laughing from that last night...LoL
  12. Hawk-Eye

    It's only a matter of time.....

    wow...SJ is going to japan... SJ: konnichiwa, me want bukkake, you know where to find? LoL jap man: OHHH, SJ-san you come to right place this is bukkake palace.
  13. Hawk-Eye

    47 and Friends

    HAahahahah funny....
  14. Hawk-Eye

    [poll] APESHIT needs someone who won the lotto to pay for his interweb

    LOL is it me or does 47's new avatar, seems to accelerate as you watch her hit her head LOL
  15. Hawk-Eye

    [poll] APESHIT needs someone who won the lotto to pay for his interweb

    LOL screw mexico, TD meet in JAPAN LoL I want some cute jap girls LOL
  16. Hawk-Eye

    [poll] Simple Question

    Well Newton was one, He bleiveved in a supreme being. actually here...I found this from google.
  17. Hawk-Eye

    [poll] Simple Question

    Well I said yes, but not only because I'm religious, but most of the greatest minds in the world, believe a supreme being exists.
  18. Hawk-Eye

    I kinda like this

    dude you're infatuated by this guy's voice LOL although its impressive it's kinda scary LoL
  19. Hawk-Eye

    NSFW Hot Guy Thread

    going to the gym to look at bulkt sweaty men and being the watcher for men who do 500 lbs benchpress turns steve on LOL HAHAHA LoL, good for the laughs i suppose LoL least its not a collection of pics of dicks in dicks LoL
  20. Hawk-Eye

    NSFW Hot Guy Thread

    HAHAAHA is not only uber teh gay it's WTF, TD is gay enough to go to gay sites and look for gay men kissing each other LOL