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  1. HooB.wg


    Narf's fault.
  2. HooB.wg

    NBA Finals

    This year, I'm going to take my talents to South Beach, with the Miami Heat..... AND LOSE “All the people that were rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day, they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today,” - Lebron James ACTUALLY, Many of us...
  3. HooB.wg

    HAPPY BDAY to...

    Not at all. Just trying my best to temporarily replace Nard and his bday threads.
  4. HooB.wg

    HAPPY BDAY to...

    Our very own Miss Haze =) She turns 17 today and is officially 1 year away from being legal drinking age in Montreal! Everyone please join me in wishing her happy bday on this glorious Friday! Happy bday bud =P <3
  5. HooB.wg

    NBA Finals

    Heat Fans are almost worse than Yankee fans. Mavs all the way.
  6. HooB.wg


    Welcome :)
  7. HooB.wg

    Game of Thrones

    Xena tits are awesome
  8. HooB.wg


    Fuck it, just steal a vent from some other IP. There, job done for free.
  9. HooB.wg

    New Team Balancing - OverBalance.

    I think the way we have it now is for the best. We at least have admins to swap players around if need be. That's honestly as good as I think it will get.
  10. HooB.wg

    New to the forums NOT to the server

    About time you hopped on here. Welcome buddy. Enjoy the faggotry.
  11. HooB.wg


    I am HooB. I founded TD 10 years ago. My partner Mahone dropped out due to personal reasons a couple years ago. So it's just me calling the shots now. Nice to meet ya pal.
  12. HooB.wg


  13. HooB.wg

    If there was only one reason to be a cop...

    lol nope, I sped up and went about my business ;)
  14. HooB.wg

    If there was only one reason to be a cop...

    Was driving on the DVP this morning ( I know, stupid ) and the traffic was heavy merging onto it from the 401. There was a woman driving a green truck that simply refused to let me into the lane even though she fully knew I had to merge into her lane. Long story short, she was literally inches...
  15. HooB.wg

    47: need new kick ass headphones

    Right now I am using the Audio Technica ATH-M30. Very comfortable and effective pair of headphones. Would also recommend Sennheiser headphones as well. Get what you pay for in my opinion. Skullcandy is an exception, they just suck..
  16. HooB.wg

    myg0t on Toronto Darkly

    lol this is awesome
  17. HooB.wg

    Donation list

    There is a seperate donation area strictly for LB's car, we don't see that one.
  18. HooB.wg

    Epic Picture Thread

    hurrrrr durrrrp?
  19. HooB.wg

    Server Map Rotation Ideas

    Actually? Can you?
  20. HooB.wg

    Happy birthday Bob...

    Happy belated buddy