oh shit i never saw the pinky rest thats awsome. if i had the money i would get it. i love my G9 but its alittle small for my hand ends up hurting after a while
you know when frats do hazeing where they make the new guy run through 2 lines of people who all have criket bats as they spank the new guy with them? well, we do that with cocks
welcome, see you around
cool vid but wouldn't cosmological and later evolutionary theory state that the events that brought the universe, and all life in it, to its current state be the most efficient way possible and therefor not a rub Goldberg machine?
well i got a new laptop for university and im wondering if theres a way to export my bookmarks from my desktop and save them to my laptop?
im useing google chrome on win7(64bit)
Might be good to get qualifications for whAt ever it is you do then leverage that to try and get a promotion. If that dosent work out at least it will make fxurther job hunting easyr.