MR wows sucsess is in its simplicity, theres a bit of depth for the hardcore but where it shines is its accessibility to casual gamers.
i wont be picking this up however
i agree with mike on this one, you got a pretty sick system already id get either a second monitor (i couldnt live without mine at this point, or a realy sweat chair
it could also be a bad instal of windows? ive had it happen wherer it just corupted on install and nothing worked well. had to reformat and do a reinstal, installing xp again will show if thats the case tho.
im running BC2 at max ecverything dx10 with a middle of the road mobo and an ati 5850 black edition gpu. ive never had any problems with it? there are alot of people useing the I7s that have problems in frostbyte engien games. it dosnt play nice with hyperthreading aparently? but what gpu are...
ya thats where third party CGI is today the only problem is it takes to long to do and is too expencive to be put in film. in a few years. and wh1te part of being good at CGI rendering is knowing how to make something look that good but not takeing a year to render. on a render farm that prolly...
woah woah woah the last 4 pages of this thread had nothing to do with blackops you think you can just come back to it that quickly?
but i completely agree its the most fun when you have a group of friends to play with.
saying IE is better than older version of IE is kinda obvious. its still a pos that is holding technology back because 1) MS is too cheap to actuly spend any time coming up with something new and 2) 78% market penetration as of 2009
i watched the first 2 eppisodes tonight thought they were pretty good, ive read the first 4 parts of the comic so im gonna be watching this from now on.
drek and fork were spending alot of time together. or was drew just following them around all night.
im sorry i missed this one looks like alot of fun.