Search results

  1. sir-drek


    Strip club?
  2. sir-drek

    XMAS Gift List's

    A recording of your voice that lasts at least 3 minutes
  3. sir-drek

    The Spelling of Wal-Mart, For you Fork.

    I'm sure you've all heard of "the people of wal-mart" if not, google it - it's cash. Today I present the Fork edition, I only have 2 examples but they are gold. "Dear customers, we are closed due to weather conditions." Grade 12 or GED required, they said...
  4. sir-drek

    New rules

  5. sir-drek

    Quake live

    haha yeah it's fun. best part is it can run in your browser so it's playable anywhere.
  6. sir-drek

    World of Warcraft

    It's because me and Layziie play in the morning usually, I'm gunna have to switch that up obviously if I wanna get in on some raids later or raid on my days off.
  7. sir-drek

    TD Family Tree

    Leroy's master list has me twice, drek and sirdrek.
  8. sir-drek

    World of Warcraft

    my priest is 'Mstrcst'
  9. sir-drek


    How much do these go for restored? I know some guy sells the 3000 or something one with MAME for like 3k on kijiji :o
  10. sir-drek

    World of Warcraft

    New content definitely makes it more interesting to level, got to 25 last night.
  11. sir-drek

    Giga Pudding

    Dear lord not here too
  12. sir-drek

    Dear Carat Networks

    +1 47 hahah
  13. sir-drek

    Need a way to pass the time?

    Hair isn't styled enough Remy
  14. sir-drek

    Dear Carat Networks

    @ white, it's better if you remember what GSP is saying during this interview lol
  15. sir-drek

    Need a way to pass the time?

    I have a better one...
  16. sir-drek

    Dear Carat Networks

  17. sir-drek

    World of Warcraft

    well we'd have, me, layziie, wh1te, pyro, narf, steve, iSieze, which is a good start. woops, and dead - sorry I'm new to TD WoW
  18. sir-drek

    World of Warcraft

    I'm in, leveling a shadow priest and transfering a 80 warrior.
  19. sir-drek

    World of Warcraft

    Me, my roomy (css: Layziie)re-rolled on stormreaver, wh1te's going to also. Do it!
  20. sir-drek

