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  1. thewhaleman


    Don't worry, I plan on bugging you a lot more :)
  2. thewhaleman


    Been getting annoyed trying to fix the maps layout issues, timings/angles and what not. So I decided to take a break and start work on my promises to sneak every username who helped me out during beta, into the map. Thanks @pepper333 , you'll always be remembered for helping me out with this...
  3. thewhaleman

    Pros taking a VACation

    live stream cph 2012?
  4. thewhaleman

    Pros taking a VACation

    get_right doesn't give a fuck.
  5. thewhaleman

    Pros taking a VACation

    I'll be interested to see how Valve, and DHW handles all of this. I'm sure they wont be stupid enough not to take extra steps in detection and prevention, the main question will be what pros will be stupid enough ( if any of course ) to use hacks, and will they get away with it. It'll be...
  6. thewhaleman


    The map tested that was tested yesterday. That's alright, I see how it is more important then testing this for me...Ok.. ;) I hope so, I look forward to more feedback !
  7. thewhaleman


    UPDATE You can now go back to posting about pros being cheating scum and how Egon is the best map on the server.
  8. thewhaleman

    Pros taking a VACation

    SMN got banned on ESEA like a day before all of this, and then spread the whole "Pros are hacking on LAN, here is a list, they did the same thing as me" thing. source: There are a few other sources that say valve talked to ESEA but there is...
  9. thewhaleman

    Pros taking a VACation

    ESEA client is more intrusive then valve's VAC system ( that's why the whole bit coin scandal was possible, and some other rumors about ESEA and their client ), SMN was banned first on ESEA where the workshop hackery was caught and that's what started all of this. ESEA then gave valve the...
  10. thewhaleman

    Pros taking a VACation

    kioShiMa from ldlc just moved all of his items from his main account to a smurf, because his twitter is being hacked. Or he's taking a vacation soon. Also someone from planet key just went on vacation. Seems to be on Call of duty..... Looks like the french really enjoy them vacations...
  11. thewhaleman

    Pros taking a VACation

    The one time the American teams aren't wrapped up in a bunch of bullshit :D cloud9forevvveeerrr
  12. thewhaleman

    AIDS Fuck Egon

    To plant on the tallest boxes and watch the CTs scramble to find the bomb >:)
  13. thewhaleman

    AIDS Fuck Egon

    Egon is so bad, it's good. I love and hate Egon. It's the worst best map ever. Egon must stay. What else will kill the server at 1 in the morning?
  14. thewhaleman

    FPS FIX Stuttering & Drops

    I don't believe there is one, cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 would be the command if it were possible in csgo. -lv in launch commands is the closest you'll get. I've used -lv for over a month, for the first two weeks I would do this a lot. Over shoot, or shoot at people who just died. However you...
  15. thewhaleman

    FPS FIX Stuttering & Drops

    40-60 fps boost for everyone. Use this launch option. This will remove all ragdoll animation ( when you die your body isn't going to go flying ). Instead when you kill someone they'll awkwardly put their hands on their heads, and slowly lay down. Removing this makes it easier for your...
  16. thewhaleman

    Upcoming Operation

    I know it's not part of this official update, but as someone who has uses the workshop, I thought it should be said, Valve removing comments and ratings from the workshop is one of the most important updates to come in the past month. Think about how sad that really is.... Seeing as there was...
  17. thewhaleman


    Update, new public version released. Also looks like I will again be testing with Sunday, so be online and give me a heads up you want to test it out.
  18. thewhaleman

    Upcoming Operation

    Operation you only get half of the mission, you have to buy the rest. Feels like something EA would do...
  19. thewhaleman

    T on CAT on PaszaBiceps M4!!

    Out of all the pros who would rock one of my stickers, I'm glad it was Biceps :D
  20. thewhaleman


    Update... Thanks for testing it :D A lot of those issues are just bad map making on my part, because to be honest, the first 3 days I had no idea what I was doing. Hammer is very outdated, not like any program I am use to using. Some weird interfacing makes for an awkward process in map...