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  1. C

    High Ping Issue

    Well it really doesn't make a difference since the traceroute is still done from the same IP and same router that my computer goes through and they look exactly the same, but I can post the ones from my PC later on when I get off work. I'm not with Bell, I'm with Comcast since I'm playing from...
  2. C

    High Ping Issue

    The thing is that every other server is fine. The only time my ping is high is when I'm routed through nLayer servers. If I'm routed through another server its fine. You can even see in the screens that right after it comes to nLayer it just shoots up.
  3. C

    High Ping Issue

    Hello, I play a lot on the darkly sever and I have an issue with high ping from time to time. My ping would go up as much as 200 ms and then stay that way for many rounds and then after it goes down again for a while it just shoots right back up. I included a few screenshots of my traceroute...