Search results

  1. kato

    Copper abusing admin (TD says: Bullshit)

    my favorite when I had my own 1.6 server was to rcon unbind all on the guys that didn't want to cooperate
  2. kato

    female Cosplay, Postem

    Jessica Rabbit Cosplay:
  3. kato

    Epic Picture Thread

    The inside of a fragmentation grenade...
  4. kato

    Official Video Thread

  5. kato

    Epic Picture Thread

    Glockamole I laughed way too hard at this
  6. kato

    female Cosplay, Postem

  7. kato


    YAY AIRSOFT!!! my cheap ass electric deag
  8. kato

    Epic Picture Thread

  9. kato

    female Cosplay, Postem

    Thought this thread could use new pics. Image quality not the best, but body quality on the other hand...
  10. kato

    ACCEPTED TD Membership Application : Kato

    Game Handle(s): Kato Steam ID: 0:1:22918779 Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: none serious Real First Name: Matt Age: 28 Location: Stoney Creek ON Favorite Games: First person shooters - CS topping the list for those. Also really enjoy the GTA series of third person shooter/sandbox...
  11. kato

    Official Video Thread

  12. kato

    Official Video Thread

    this second video is for SJ
  13. kato

    Arabs Are The Best + Special Bonus

    Its been done:
  14. kato

    Epic Picture Thread

  15. kato

    female Cosplay, Postem

    Brains will like this: yup edit: click this
  16. kato

    female Cosplay, Postem

  17. kato

    female Cosplay, Postem

    I have no idea what I'm doing...
  18. kato

    Epic Picture Thread

    omg brantford is fucked, check out this honda prelude interior @walmart
  19. kato

    Epic Picture Thread

    Took this pic yesterday on the 403 just outside of Brantford. (Its an overpass) Which one of you did this?
  20. kato

    Crazy Story

    I don't know if you guys here have seen this but its crazy the shit people do to each other... Part 1: Part 2: I've never been shot at, but I've been jumped by people I knew... Robbed by people I knew... car stolen and trashed by people I knew... People fucking suck