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    Can we talk about something over steam involving a case thx

    Can we talk about something over steam involving a case thx
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    UNDER REVIEW Banned On Steam Rep (DG)

    ok thx is there any chance i can pay back the victim? I know its been some time since ban but after some time I regret the decision i made 1-2 years ago, I doubt he will still remember me but I feel as the only way to not regret my mistake is to give what I took back. The only problem is that...
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    UNDER REVIEW Banned On Steam Rep (DG)

    Name When Banned: ShadowZz™ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85219053 Game: TF2 Server: Darkly Trade Server Ban Reason: Scamming State your case: At the time ShadowZz was my main account until it got banned about a year ago, this is when i decided to make a new account (the one posting the appeal). I...
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    Steam Rep Problem

    can this be deleted as i have posted a more detailed appeal
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    Steam Rep Problem

    Name When Banned: Shadow_ Steam ID: Zshadow_ Game:TF2 Server:Darkly Trade Server Ban Reason: My brothers alt scammed but believe i scammed to State your case: I was trying to appeal my brothers case on steam rep but instead they banned me and i was told to appeal here. I also heard about this...
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    How can i change my name on darklygaming

    Can you change me name to Shadow_ Thanks
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    Hi is was wondering if you could change my name to Shadow_ Thanks

    Hi is was wondering if you could change my name to Shadow_ Thanks
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    How can i change my name on darklygaming

    I was wondering if i could change my name as this was an old name
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    UNBANNED Baned Because Of Doing The Conga Taunt

    Thanks For the Update Will Do
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    UNBANNED Baned Because Of Doing The Conga Taunt

    I was Wondering Was it Somthing I did wrong with a taunt or did an admin ban me because i was doing something bad im not sure
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    Newb's Source Film Maker Thread

    DemoMan Festive StickyBomb Lancher, Festive Eyelander Miscs: Buck Turner All-Stars-Painted White, Merc's Muffler-Painted White,Killer Exclusive Blizzardy Storm-Painted White
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    [NPO] TF2 Picture Service

    Request in this format: Profile: Class: DemoMan Map:Mann Manor Team: Blue Weapon(?): Festive Strange Sticky bomb Launcher (Mandiran Sheen If Possible To Do) Cosmetics(?):Buck Turner All Star(White), Scotman's Stove Pipe (White)[Burning...
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    Moko's SFM adventures

    I hope It isnt to hard Request Format:Poster Class: demoman Team:Blue Cosmetic(s) (paint)[effect]:Buck Turner All Star(White), Scotman's Stove Pipe (White)[Burning Flame],Dangeresque, Too? Weapon(s):Festive StickyBomb Lancher Map & general location: Mann Manor In Front Of the church Pose...
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    Need Help With H12.exe Keeps Closing

    I need a lot of help every time i join a server it says that h12.exe has stopped working I have played before but out of no wear it starts making this problem
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    DENIED Purifier of spades Moderator Application

    +1 She Knows how to enforce the rules even when people Don't follow them
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    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: DARKLY| mitzi

    +1 Is a great guy likes to greet everyone when he joins a server and seen him alot on trade servers
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    Hey Darkly Players IM NEw

    Thanks So much planning on stay TO THIS Server has lots of friendly people
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    Hey Darkly Players IM NEw

    Sup :P
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    So on the website they give u awards for certain wepons I was wondering since im a noob what do i have to do to get the award
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    Hey Darkly Players IM NEw

    I heard this server has the best admins/mod (from a friend). I was also intrested to see when i was looking for a trade server on google Darkly is the first thing that pops up. WAY to Go To be NUMBER ONE !! "D Have A Great Day :D -Ryan