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  1. X

    MS Office 2010

    MS Office 2010 I would categorize as an Enterprise product. It now integrates with SharePoint 2010 for Social Networking as well as offers some tools for SP2010. From a Home User perspective it doesn't offer anything surprisingly new aside from a new interface. If you can get it for cheap...
  2. X

    Heya all... tis XtenZ

    And of course, the answer to the secret of life... Wait what was the question again?
  3. X

    Heya all... tis XtenZ

    Hey, thanks for the greetings. XtenZ has turned into a popular Nick nowadays. Back in April 2000, I used to play 16hrs a day, or so, and about half of that time on European servers. Soon after that Xtenz showed up everywhere. Needless to say, I am not an herbal Viagra, not a fancy coat...
  4. X

    Heya all... tis XtenZ

    Guys, I had a ball on a Friday night with Omission, ld, MaddoxX and a few others. I have not had this much fun in CS in about 4yrs or so. I do not ever claim I am in love with ld or older than omission. I am an old guy (42 yrs) and may have found a new home. i am from the West coast...