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    AWESOME VIDEO ZOMG 1337 h4x0r!!!

    so much tiiime!
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    This Months Donators

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    Happy Easter

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    Disney Templates EPIC FAIL

    Right, so this should be changed to "Disney's Epic Success: Templates". Disney was revolutionary, whether you like the company or not, and every (close to atleast ) one of their moves have been successful. And why are we arguing about disney movies?...
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    Connection Issues

    Just go to File->Change User It will log you out, then log back in. Fixed it for me.
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    Disney Templates EPIC FAIL

    I think it's awesome... personally. I'm a developer and re-use of code is a pretty big thing. Why not reuse something you put time into. If you take the time to choreograph a particular dance or movement once (I'm picturing bringing in an actor, watching them do a particular movement multiple...
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    Disney Templates EPIC FAIL

    I'm confused as to how that's a fail?
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    I think the server crashed preemptively from all of your gayness. If you're gay enough to overload TD with gay, that's pretty bad.
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    Where did/do you go to school?

    University of Akron, Akron Ohio
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    My Life = EPIC FAIL

    Yeah man, hang in there. You have more friends than just one, you have TD. Maybe not the same as RL but we're all brothers here. If life didn't have it's shitty points you wouldn't be able to appreciate it when it's good.
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    Trying a new logo

    These are the three that I have saved from the last time we did this. The first is my favorite. Don't know who made it but I love it.
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    Trying a new logo

    Let me see if I can find it... It's the one I have on my mouse pad. I found it but I'm on my iPod so I can't post the link up. It'll be tomorrow night. I also found two others that people submitted back in the day the first time we were working on logos.
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    Fuckin hacker.
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    I am so sorry (April Fools 2009)

    My post went something like this: "Steve hacks like he gets gina. Do you want me to change my post to "Steve is an asshole" now or wait for you to do it?" lol, and two seconds later my post was edited to say "Steve is an asshole".
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    I am so sorry (April Fools 2009)

    Steve is an asshole
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    ATTN Kirock

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    TD's Project of the day.

    Burger king food here is always fucking luke-warm in the middle, makes me feel like I'm eating uncooked meat. Have to say that BK chicken sandwiches pwn Mcdonalds though.
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    ATTN Kirock

    That guy is SO getting banned.